Chapter 043: To Marineford

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(Third Person POV)

Luffy was sitting beside Shaw, who was still asleep, no one moved him from the spot he fell from so they just left him there. Jinbei was sailing the ship to where Marineford was & they only had a few hours before they execute Ace

"Hopefully we get there on time." Luffy muttered as he stared out at the sea

"I do too…" he looked down & saw that Shaw cracked open his eyes "We need to be there for that idiot."

"Shaw!" he jumped on him & developed Shaw in a hug, he laughed at Luffy & hugged him back

"What happened?"

"You fell from the sky & crash landed in that spot your in right now!" Shaw looked down & chuckled to himself before scratching the side of his cheek

"Really now? Sorry." Luffy grinned & helped Shaw up before leading him to where Jinbei was, he sat on the railing & watched as Luffy talked to the Shichibukai. He crossed his legs & leaned against the palm of his hand & watched Luffy

"Your brother really is something!" Shaw jumped, he looked over & saw it was Samantha "He kinda reminds me of Alex, the childish behaviour that is."

"Your kinda right. Anyways, what are you going to do when we get to Marineford? Your brother is obviously there so…"

"I'll help you get Ace–san back, you could say we kinda bonded before I was moved to a different cell."

"Um, does your brother even know you were thrown in Impel Down?"

"I'm not sure. Guess if he did, he would've done what you & Luffy–san did, storm in & get me back. I was suppose to be executed a couple weeks later after Ace–san was. I guess if they told Alex he would have gone against it & been thrown in Impel Down with me."

"Marines these days, so cruel." she nodded

"That is why I'd rather be a pirate than a marine, pirates have more freedom!" he nodded

"I agree." the two started having a friendly conversation until they heard a transponder snail, they look over & saw that Luffy answered the damn thing

"Uh, hello?"

"HE ANSWERED?!" Shaw chuckled to himself

"Of course he did."

"This is Navy HQ."

"Yeah, & I'm Luffy."

"DON'T TELL HIM YOUR NAME!! YOUR A PIRATE!!" Shaw watched in amusement as Luffy talked to the marine guy, what really shocked him was that he found out that Buggy was once apart of Gol D. Rogers pirate

"Now that's something."

"We've also confirmed that Jinbei, Crocodile, Ivankov, Shawn & Samantha, as well as over 200 escapees, are on that ship. I'm warning you now… Unless we open the Gates of Justice, you will not be able to reach Marineford, nor will you be able to escape from the Tarai Current. There is no sea to escape to, nor anywhere else to go. You better resign yourself to that."

"Hey wait, Navy! We're definitely going to save Ace!" & he hung up, as everyone started yelling at Luffy, Shaw got a sudden idea & jumped from the railing to where the transponder snail was


"What's he doing?" he opened the thing & started dialing a number, it took awhile but someone picked

"Who is this-yoi?"

"Marco? Marco?! Is that you?!"

"Shaw?! Where the hell are you?! The war is going to start soon-yoi!"

"Is he talking to Phoenix Marco, Commander if the 1st Division of the Whitebeard Pirates?!"

"No doubt, coming from--"

"Shut up!!" he yelled at them "We're coming back from Impel Down!"

"Impel Down? What were you doing there-yoi?"

"We tried to break Ace out but we were just a bit to late!"

"Whatever-yoi! How far are you from Marineford now?"

"I'm not sure, Jinbei!"

"We might take awhile, but I'm sure we will make it in time, Shaw-san!" he nodded

"Did you hear that, Marco?"

"Yeah, I'll tell pops-yoi. Plus you better get here quickly, shits about to go down-yoi."

"Alright." & he hung up, he looks back at the others & they had shocked faces "What?"

"You just had a friendly conversation with one of Whitebeard's Commanders!" he shrugged & threw his hands in his pockets

"So? I'm friends with the Whitebeard Pirates, plus," he took his hat, hoodie & shirt off & showed his back to them "I'm proud to have Whitebeard's mark on my back."

"Whitebeard's symbol?!"


"Its like Ace's!" he rolled his eyes & put his clothes on, Buggy was sweating like crazy

'Does that mean if I try to kill Whitebeard, he'll kill me?' Crocodile was thinking the same thing, they both have the same goal so if either of them try anything Shaw might take their heads

"I see him as a, father, figure."

"Compared to the guy who raised you till you were 8!" Luffy said, an irk mark made its way onto his forehead


(Time Skip)

The Gates of Justice had suddenly opened & everyone, but Shaw, Sam, Crocodile, Daz, Sam, Ivankov & Mr 3, thought that Buggy opened the bloody gates. Shaw was getting pretty tired of his nonsense but Sam had been able to calm him

"How was he on The Pirate Kings crew? He's practically weak."

"I agree. & he's a big coward." Crocodile murmured, they both look at him & saw he was sweating bullets, had a runny nose & was shaking in his boots, they sweat drop

"Yup, a total coward." they said in unison, the ship was going very slow & suddenly it started going backwards "What the…?!" the two flew back against the wall & cursed

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Why is the wind pulling us back?!" Shaw looked at Jinbei & noticed he had a look that said he knew

"Jinbei! What the hell is happening?!"

"I'm not sure!"

"That look says otherwise!" the wind had finally stopped so the two fell off the wall, with Crocodile landed on Shaw's back "Get off me please!" he did & Shaw dusted himself off

"Shaw-chan." he looked over & saw one of the newkama's had his gloves "You dropped these."

"Oh! Thank you!" he took them but put them in his pockets, all of the sudden they started picking up speed, like, they were going very fast! "What's happening again?!"

"Captain Buggy's miracle!" one of the prisoners yelled

"He's bullshit."

"Huh?!" Buggy was suddenly gripping the collar of Shaw's shirt & was right up in his face "Bullshit?! Thanks to me the Gates of Justice opened!"

"We were just lucky."

"Thanks to me we're gaining speed!"

"That wasn't you, that was the seaquake Whitebeard caused."


"& if he did, I'm predicting the shadow looming over us right now is the giant tsunami that was formed after that seaquake. I'm right, aren't I?"

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