
Sehun is confused as to why he isn't in his room when he woke up, but inside what seemed to be a pet carrier, and why everything around him seemed to be much bigger than usual. Though, he was certain that he didn't drink anything weird last night, so this would most likely be a dream he hasn't woken up from yet.

Just then, the room door clicked open, revealing a girl with long auburn hair that reached her waist.

"Come, let's go see your owner." She walked over to pick him up, smiling mysteriously.

Sehun felt chills run down his spine at the sound of the voice. It's the same one he heard last night.

'Who are you? And where are you taking me?' He wanted to say, but nothing else except agitated mews came out.

As if understanding him, the girl said, "Don't be scared, I'm only doing this to help you", in which Sehun could only give up and accept his oncoming fate.



Jongin was having his breakfast when he heard three consecutive knocks at the door. He stood up and walked towards it, being greeted by a girl he had never met before when he opened.

"Good morning, are you Mr. Kim Jongin?"

Jongin nodded, though feeling a little unease at being addressed so formally.

The girl smiled brightly and handed the carrier to him, "Mr. Oh asked our pet store to deliver him to you as a birthday present. He also left a message for you saying that, if he didn't have to go abroad so urgently, he would definitely come in person." She giggled at Jongin's dazed expression and took off her backpack, "Cat food, litter box, and grooming products, everything you might need are in here. This is our business card. Feel free to contact us whenever you want. Oh and, he's two-months old, a healthy male ragdoll. And has had his vaccination already, so there's no need to worry about anything. Please take well care of him."

"Thank you very much." Jongin gave her a smile in return.

Sehun, on the other hand, laid flat in the carrier and processed every word the girl has said up until now in his head - He had been turned into a cat, though he didn't know how it was scientifically possible in any way. But it still remains as a fact. Jongin is his 'owner', that's also a fact. And he has kind of grasped the reason as to why all this is happening to him.

During the party yesterday, he agreed to join Jongin on a birthday dinner under the temporary pressure he received from the group. But in reality, he had forgotten all about it and went out drinking with friends after the party. And it was when the girl mentioned about it just now, that he remembered it was Jongin's birthday yesterday, and he did receive missed calls and texts from him last night.

"Hope we can get along well, Sugar." Jongin's voice snapped his thoughts back. That's when he realized the girl left already, and that he's currently being held by Jongin and caressed gently.

'Sugar, is that my name?' He thought, making a mental note to react in some way whenever Jongin calls him this.

"Are you hungry?"


'Now that you mention it, I am a little-' Sehun paused when Jongin carried him over to the cat food package and poured some into a bowl. He looked down at the content and mewed, hoping Jongin would understand his disapproval.

"Eh, you don't like this brand?"


'That's not it...' Sehun looked up at him in defeat.

To his dismay, Jongin misunderstood him completely.

"That's okay. Let's look for something else." Jongin grabbed his phone and started to browse the web. Though he had never raised a pet before, he promised himself to do his best to take care of Sugar, especially after knowing he's a gift from Sehun to make up for the absence of the dinner.

"Pick the one you like, Sugar." He lowered the phone to the kitten's eye-level.

Seeing the multiple brands of cat food that came in both cans and packages, Sehun turned around and made a dive towards Jongin's chest, hoping he could get the message across this time.

"What am I going to do with you?" Jongin chuckled. He took a picture of himself and Sehun before logging on to his blog page, and posted it.

Kimkaaaaa: Other than regular cat food, what would be a safe alternative for a two-month-old kitten? Overall tips?

Was the caption.

His Human || SeKai [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon