2 Food

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Dozens upon dozens of notifications popped up on Jongin's screen just minutes after he made the post. Though, instead of answering his question, most of the things he received are comments about the new family member.

'I swear that's the CUTEST kitty I've ever seen...'

'Look at its eyes, its pink little nose...Ahh~'

'What's its name? Tell us >w<'

"They're complimenting on how cute you are, Sugar." Jongin smiled at the kitten staring attentively at his screen, though being completely oblivious of his inward grumbles.

Sehun did not like to be called 'cute' at all, or anything similar to it for that matter. He prefer the terms 'cool' or 'handsome', as he'd frequently get no matter where he go. In his current form, however, being referred to either of those would be rather unlikely.

After pages of comments saying irrelevant things, Jongin finally found the ones that actually are considered as helpful. Some said it'd be wise to put the dry packaged cat foods in lukewarm water for better digestion, or try mixing treats with it to develop a young kitten's interest, while the others wrote the best thing to feed would be cat food, as it contains a sufficient amount of nutrition for growth.

"See, you can't be picky about your food." Jongin patted him, using the tone of a parent who's trying to get their child to eat their vegetables, "I'll buy you toys after this."


Unable to protest anymore, Sehun finished the worst and most bizarre meal he had ever eaten in his life - Softened cat food mixed with fish-shaped treats.


Maybe it's because he paid so much attention to the ragdoll, that Jongin felt the day flew by faster than ever. He spent most of the afternoon on pet blogs and took note of the tips he thought it might be useful. At night, he decided to let Sehun sleep on his bed temporarily, and plans to buy him a bed of his own from the pet shop tomorrow.

Though, just as he was settled down to sleep, Sehun leapt off the furniture and ran into the bathroom. He went towards the bathtub and pressed a paw on the shampoo bottle, meowing softly at the man who just caught up to him. Being rather attentive about his hygiene, Sehun needed his daily shower, and would feel uncomfortable if he didn't take one.

"You want to take a bath?" Jongin asked, and laughed a little when the kitten purred, "I just read a post on how much cats hate water, but I guess that isn't true." He walked over and held Sehun up to the counter, "Wait here."

The man came back a few minutes later with a large towel and pet shampoo he found in the backpack, he then filled the sink half-full with lukewarm water and started to bathe Sehun. During the wash, he made sure to massage the spots that could help to ease the kitten's muscles. Seeing the comforting expression he had made Jongin smile and continue his doings.

After rinsing him clean, Jongin dried the kitten and placed him on his bed, then covering a soft blanket over him before going back to the bathroom for a shower himself.


Jongin woke up from an unbearable stuffiness the next morning, and opened his eyes to see a white fluff ball lying on his chest with limbs spread out in every direction. So that's what it was, he chuckled. Not wanting to sleep anymore as he's already fully awake, Jongin gently set the kitten aside and went to get ready. He planned to shop for groceries today, and pay a visit to the pet store if there's extra time.

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