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Axl's POV

The text I got at Taco Bell was Vince. I felt so fucking guilty leaving Slash alone and cancelling our date. The text said:

Get home now. ~V 

My heart sank and my stomach dropped as I sped home, blinded by shame and fear. Finally, I pulled up to my apartment, parking the car quickly and leaping out, hands shaking when I unlocked my front door.

I flicked on a light and as soon as I saw brightness, a fist collided with my jaw. I fell, elbows hitting the dirty hard ground with a thump.

"Tomorrow, you b-better have my money, sssslut." A voice growled in my ear as the figure straddled me, huffing loudly. I instantly recognized Vince's voice, slurred and slow. He was drunk.

"Get off!" I screamed, placing my hands firmly on his chest and pushing upward, using my feet as a catapult and pushing him off. He landed on his back groaning. "You're drunk!"

"N-No, I'm not." He stammered, getting to his feet and clenching his teeth, swaying a little and cracking his neck to intimidate me. It did. He showed his yellow, crooked teeth at me like a animal, spit dripping off his lips.

"Why the fuck are you here?!" I spat. "I have two more fucking days to get the money!" 

"B-Because I missed youuuuu." Vince smiled, smirking a little.


"'M not lyin'. I love youuuuu." He sighed, reaching out to embrace me. As soon as his hand touched my waist, I shook my head and slapped him. 

"I've had enough of your bullshit, Vince!" I screamed, stomping my foot in anger. He looked shocked. "YOU DON'T LOVE ME! SLASH LOVE'S ME AND I-I THINK I LOVE HIM TOO! I'M NOT USING HIM FOR YOUR GAMES! I'M NOT USING HIM TO GET YOU YOUR MONEY!"

My words hung in the air followed by my gasping. I finally told him. I'm fucking done. The room was so quiet you could hear my tears hitting the dusty wood floor.

"What d-did you just say?" Vince's voice was quiet. Despite being wasted, he was still scary, still violent.

"You heard me!" My voice cracked a little as he stepped closer, fists curling into a hard ball at his side, veins popping out of his arms. "I'm not going to take Slash's money like we planned!"

I was crying, sobbing. 

"You m-made a mistake, Rosey." Vince snarled, so close to me I could see the anger in his eyes.

I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them.

"Go ahead." I whispered. "Go ahead and hurt me. You breaking me is better than me breaking Slash's heart."

Vince cocked his head, mouth parted slightly, his breath reeked of alcohol.

"Hurt me!" I sobbed. "Fucking punch me! Get this over with!"

And so he did. His drunken fists collided into my face, punched my stomach, my nose. Blood gushed out of the crack in my nose, spilling out and onto the floor. And he didn't stop. I slowly sunk down to the floor, not fighting back. I was done.

"Fight back, coward!" Vince screamed, kicking my ribs. It was all so deja vu and I didn't care. I couldn't use Slash for money because... because I was falling for him.

After what seemed like hours, Vince finally stopped, tired and worn, rubbing his bruised and split knuckles. Without a word, he left.


Slash's POV

"This is the place." I muttered under my breath, puffs of clouds steaming out of my mouth in the cold air. I reached for the rusty doorknob and opened it, hit with the smell of drugs and dust.

"S-Slash?" I heard someone wheezed from inside. I turned on a light and rushed inside, slamming the door shut behind him. I gasped at the scene. 

Axl was laying in a pool of blood on the ground with a sly smile on his cut open lips. Beer bottles and broken glass were scattered everywhere. Walls had holes punched into them. The floor had missing floor boards.

"Oh, Axl." I whispered, approaching him and gently kneeling down, scooping him up in my arms slightly, cringing when he whimpered. "Baby...."

"I'm s-sorry." Axl wheezed, looking up into my eyes and spilling tears down his bruised face. I laid a hand carefully on his face, brushing the tears away softly and shaking my head. 

"Don't be sorry."

"B-But I am. I'm a t-terrible person."

"Why would you say that." I couldn't hold back my tears. The moment was too much for me. "Why are you sorry?"

"I o-owed Vince-" He sobbed and cried harder as his breaths made his ribs shift and hurt. "I owed him two thousand dollars. I-I'm broke."

"Shh, baby. You're okay." I cooed, pulling him closer and gently brushed his tangled hair with my tiny fingers. 

"I had p-planned to use someone for money." The redhead took a deep breath and continued. "I was going to make y-you trust me. Gonna grow close. Then t-t-take money from you." He let out a loud and painful groan as he heard the words come out of his mouth, shaking his head as if he didn't want to believe it.

My stomach dropped. Axl was going to use me? For money? I gulped.

"S-So, you only wanted me for... for money?" I whispered, tears tickled my cheeks as they made their way down to my chin, then dripped off. "You-You never really cared?"

"No!" Axl cried out, sitting up in my arms and grabbing my face. "That's the thing... I think I love you."


"I love you. I wasn't supposed to fall for you. But I did. And I can't take money from you." 

We both sat in silence for a second. 



"Forgive me." 

I shuddered, staring into his glossy eyes. I nod, smiling painfully while looking down at the beaten up man.


Axl let out a deep breath and closed his eyes, grinning slightly on his chapped lips.

"Thank you." He sighed, opening his eyes up and staring at me, leaning closer to me. I nod, inching closer. Our lips brushed gently, breathing in each other's air. "I love you, Saul Hudson."

"I love you, Axl Rose."

Axl closed the gap between us, pushing his battered lips against my soft ones, pressing his against mine with such passion I cried some more. We sat there for minutes, kissing softly and holding onto each other, an occasional tear slipping past our eyes.

"Come home with me." I breathed against his mouth slightly, eyes still closed, and hands digging into his hair. "Sleep with me."

He didn't even argue, just nodded and kissed me some more. 

I picked him up bridal style, and walked out the door.




Oh, that was wild.

Canada was fun! Lot's of smoke from fires and it's coming to Washington, yikes. Praying the fires get under control and everyone is safe.

You can follow my board on Pinterest for this fic, it's pretty darn aesthetic cuz I'm tryin' to make this book kinda aesthetic. The board's called 'aesthetic coffee' and my username is 'BUCKY BARNES CHIN'. Don't ask.

What happens next?


So, Ya Like Coffee? (Slaxl Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें