"Not necessarily." I grabbed his hands trying to calm him. I knew when he got this sometimes it was hard to make him calm down. He sat up holding my hands tighter.

"I'm looking for a partner not an investor. If I'm going to put up eighty percent I might as well build the damn thing myself." His eyes were now serious and I could tell his mind was working overtime.

"I still don't understand, why does he want you to put up so much money?" he laughed bitterly.

"Because he doesn't think he can run a company or business of that magnitude."

"Why would he think that?"

"He said he doesn't think I can run a hotel and if I want the hotel then I would have to put up most of the money." He got up now pacing the floor. I didn't understand how someone would think he couldn't run a company or a hotel. Lucas had ran his company by himself and now it was the biggest thing out there. Whoever this person was clearly didn't know what they were talking about. "I built my company from the ground up with no one's help and now my hard work still not good enough." I got up wrapping my arms around his body. I was trying to give him my comfort. I knew he was going through something and I was determined to be there for him this time.

"Maybe you should talk to the man in person and maybe you could renegotiate the terms to convince him of your worth." His entire body tensed up at my words. When Lucas became passionate about something, he put it on his body. I wanted to make things better for him. I knew how much this hotel meant to him. I also knew he would do anything to make it happen. We stood there for a minute as his breathing continued a steady hard beat. He then pulled away turning to me. His face was now harder than ever.

"I'm not about to kiss anyone's ass." His voice was hard when he said that and I knew not to say anything wrong.

"Look Lucas sometimes you have to put your pride aside and kiss ass to get what you want."

"Maybe." He still didn't look convinced. I know Lucas isn't the kind of person that easily let someone just tell him what to do or do what others want him to. He didn't like answering to people especially not people that didn't believe him or what he was doing. I know he was hurt by all of this but sometimes you have to do what you got to do.

"I know you don't want to do that Lucas but if you want the hotel maybe you will have to." He sighed.

"I know. I know, I just don't want to." He sat back down still looking stressed out. Something else was up.

"Why do you still look like something is wrong? I mean I know the hotel thing isn't solved but you like something else is up."

"It is."


"My mother."

"What about your mother?"

"My mother is coming to meet you and your family." Now I felt like the world was on my shoulders. His mother had never came up since we got married and now she wants to meet me. After everything that has happened meeting her right now was not something I was looking forward to.

"I take it that your mother coming isn't a good a thing."

"Me and my mother aren't exactly close. We text each other every now and then but nothing big. I don't really see my mom as a mother honestly. She isn't like your mother, even though you and your mother fight, you two still stay close like a family. My mother doesn't know how to be a mother which is why my brother and I were so close. We were all each other had."

"Maybe she is trying to change. Maybe this is your chance to reconnect like I did with my mother."

"My mother isn't like your mother Samaria. My mother likes to tell me everything I have done wrong and even though I am older now I still haven't found the guts to stand up for myself. I don't want my mother here because I know she just brings chaos. I don't need any more chaos right now."

"Everyone has that one family member. Yours is your mother and mine is my sister." I shrugged remembering the last conversation I had with her. I hadn't seen her since I went off on everyone and honestly I didn't want to see her again.

He sat up pulling me down on top of him cuddling his face into my neck. He always did that when he was anxious and trying to calm down. At first I thought it was weird but now sometimes I look forward to it to keep me grounded too.

"Speaking of your family, what's up with Jordan? Did they find him or what?"

"Yea they found him." I looked down playing with his fingers.

"Okay and?"

"Well they found him but he's in a coma and was shot two times." He pulled my chin to make me look at him and kissed my forehead feeling my pain.

"At least he's alive."

"For now but no telling what the doctor's will find." He sighed wrapping his arms me pulling me closer. I felt warm in his embrace.

"Jordan will be okay. The hard part is over, now all he has to do is fight like hell to stay alive."

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