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After 2 weeks

Karthick's pov:

It was pouring outside I was sitting in my chair in my cabin looking pointlessly towards the window.

Outside people were running here searching for a hide out.

"Karthi !fancy to see you here!"
Ranjith my elder brother sounded amazed.

I was in our head office of PRAKASH INDUSTRIES.

"Yah ...came to sign the final Urla company deal!"
I replied without looking at him.

"Everything ok?"

"No nothing...just..."

"I am going home for lunch join me bro"
He said.

" No I like to be here for some alone time.!"

"Sure take your time..bye"

I was not in the mood to go home.

My dad placed a hand over my shoulder.

"Dad...didn't you return home go for lunch"

" How can I leave my little boy here and have lunch happily at home?"

" Dad!"

"What were you thinking so long aiming pointlessly over the window??"

" Dad it's just that I feel pretty empty last few days. I have taken all ways to move my case forward but every step foreword it leads me two steps back. I totally feel lost I don't think I can work on this case any longer it's been 3 years and it has not lead me anywhere rather to the starting point all the time. I have failed in this case dad."

" Son it's ok to fail sometimes. Failure means that we have taken a risk. We have risked failure to strive for something big and came up little short. It's ok you can try again."

I just nodded my head.

"I am offered a position in Chennai for few months. It can be used as an perfect escape to not finish this case but I really don't know what to do? One I should take the position and leave the case or take the case and leave the position. I am super confused dad!"

"You know what Karthick I have always felt proud when people identify me by your name rather than my own identity. Your brother loved football but when he had to choose a career he immediately choose business over his passion. Even after all the opposion your mom made saying it's dangerous you stood tall in what you want. You knew you choose a way many others fear to near but you always knew what you want , what you want to become it's ok if you miss few steps I am sure you will figure it soon. So take your time probably take a break from the work spend time with the family mostly your mom she is very badly worried about your odd behaviour now a days. So do take a break and remember you always know who you fall on right?!"
He said and massaged my head.

" Hmmn...sure dad. You are right I do need a break from all this."

" I also have another easy solution to solve this matter Karthick."

"What Is that dad?"

" Marrying you soon to a nice girl. Your mom is continuously pestering me with this idea since ages..."
He said and laughed.

"Dad I need time you understand that right?"

"Yah right..cool now move your ass and follow me we are going home for lunch."
I heard him clear right? My dad used that word? Ass really?
He laughed seeing my expression.

Aadhira's pov:

It was Thursday and I was working on a presentation I have to submit by next week for the last a new project.
Hip hip...hurray!

PLS# 1 Fallen MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora