Part Three

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Shagamu being the only son of his parents was pampered too much to the point that if he does anything wrong, and another person tries to correct him, his mother will "just allow him, he is only a little boy."
Shagamu grew up the mentality if doing wrong things knowing fully well that his mother will cover him up. This habitual thing continued until Shagamu was eleven years old. He had made some friends over the years with some boys outside his father's compound who were also behaving just like him.

He and his friends would go out to hunt for birds and lizards, just like other kids would do. But each time he gets back, he returns with slippers and clothes that did not belong to him. His parent saw those things and never said a word. They were scared of hurting their son's feelings.

Shagamu The Disobedient BoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum