|ChApTeR TwEnTy FiVe| Faith

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'The guy isn't wrong. There's a bunch of you pathetic countries swarming around the mansion, it's making me sick.'

'...What did you say?'

'Eh, you'll figure it out later.'

China added in, "Besides, we still need to connect the time we spend here with the time in the outside world. We have to keep breaking the clocks."

I flinched. 

'Ooh, is someone triggered?' Luciano began to spiral around me, smirking widely. His lips suddenly turned upside-down when he stopped. His eyes darkened several shades as he looked at my arm, brushing my wound with surprising gentleness. '(Name). Did you get hurt?'

"Yeah, that's the best short-cut. Except we'll need our strength somehow..." Russia sighed. His gaze circled around the entire group. "You'll probably agree with me, but...we're quite tired."

'Tired...huh? Yeah. I did, just some claw marks. I'll treat them later.' I answered in my head. I blinked, my sight going a little blurry. 

"Not from fighting the enemy, but running away all the time." Russia finished off. 

My knees felt weak and I started to wobble in place. I titled some of my weight to one foot, being drawn towards the ground. Luciano quickly hovered beside me and supported me with his side.

'(Name), snap out of it! You're losing blood. You're treating that injury whether you like or not.' He whispered into my ear, reaching for my backpack.

'Alright. I will.' I finally gave in. 

I pulled out a roll of gauze bandages from my pocket and wrapped it around my arm, which was kind of hard to do with only one hand. As if he read my mind, he gently propped up my injured arm. 

'I can read your mind. Our thoughts are connected.'

'Oh. I forgot.'

Luciano chuckled and shook his head. He took my hand to stop me from absentmindedly over wrapping my arm, sliding a throwing knife into his palm from within his sleeve and cutting the bandage. He tightened it, tied it in a neat knot and looked up at me with a raise of an eyebrow. 

'You are a silly, stubborn girl. Did you know that?'

'I'm pretty sure I've been told that a lot.'

"Maybe escaping really is impossible...And now...we're probably going to get eaten one by one. That's what I would do, if I were the Thing!"

I snapped out of my dizzy state when Germany's voice boomed throughout the room's walls. 'I've only blanked out for a few seconds and Germany has officially exploded.'

'Now you know what I feel.'

"That's enough, West!! We only lost one way out! There are still many other ways!"

'Prussia yelling too...This is bad...' I nervously looked around at the nations, tugging at my sleeves.

"Prussia...I'm sorry." The entire room seemed to relax a little when his voice went back to its normal volume. "And thank you...for what you did earlier. You too, (Name). This time, I intend to make it up to you for saving me. I'm sorry I was a burden."

"Ah, don't be so hard on yourself." I replied.

'Says the girl who was going to let multiple scratches along her arm bleed.'

"Germany. But, Germany, it's okay-"

"No. If I can't protect my allies when I have the chance, then my training is pointless. At the very least, I shouldn't be such a burden to you." 

The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن