Chapter 14: Bed Time Party

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      It was now 6:15 PM. Leonardo had me clean the house today as my punishment after I had done my homework. It was terrible. His house is spotless so I didn't understand why I had to clean it but whatever. I laid in bed wondering about the party.

      My friend, Rachel, is having a party tonight and she invited me. It is suppose to be the biggest party she has had yet. Her parents aren't going to be home so there is going to be a lot of alcohol and drugs. I don't do drugs and I've only had alcohol a little bit but right now it sounds amazing. But how am I going to get pass Leonardo?

      The party starts at 9 so I have 2 hours to figure out how I'm going to get out. Maybe I shouldn't try and get out. No, I have to.

It was 8:30 PM. I had a plan.

      Leonardo came in 15 mins later to told me good night.

"Good night. I'm going to go and meet some friends tonight. Your door is still going to be locked." Leonardo said while standing at the door.

"You can't trust me?" I said laying in my bed.

"No not at all." He said.

"Oh." I said looking down at my blanket.

"Hey, if you can try not to run away than maybe I'll start leaving it unlocked." He said with a little grin.

I looked up and smiled.

I then said, "Ok, have fun with your friends."

He nodded and closed the door.

      I heard him lock the door. I guess he didn't mean he would leave it unlocked tonight. I still have a plan to get out but I need to wait until he is gone. I'll give him 5 mins.

                 *****5 mins later*****
      I start quietly getting out of bed. I headed to the bathroom and start putting on my makeup. I also fixed my hair. After I am done with that I went to my closet and grab my outfit I picked out. It is a black shirt with open shoulders and skinny jeans with holes in them. I also have my black and white vans on. Ok now is the tricky part. Leo came into my room about 20 mins ago. Either he is telling the truth or lying about hanging out with his friends.

I walk over to the window and look out. It's dark outside but not too dark because the moon is bright. It must be a full moon tonight. I open up my window and look down. I'm on the second floor but there is a window below me that I can reach from my window. I figured that out today.

      I breathed in and stuck my foot out the window. I wonder what room is under me? Leo's? The kitchen? I don't know but I do know I need to focus. I stuck out my other foot and slide my body down the side of the house. If the neighbors see me, I'm dead. I hold onto my window with both of my arms. My left foot finally touches the lower window and then my right follows. I let go of my window and balance on the ledge of the window. I jump down from there because it's only a 2 foot drop.

I finally made it out. Problem is how am I going to get back in. I don't worry about that now because I have a party to get to. I run through the backyard down the street. Rachel only lives a couple of blocks away from my new house.

Once I get there I knock on the wooden door. I can see the lights from outside and some people are in the front yard with red solo cups in hand. Some of them already look drunk and it's only 11 PM.

After a few seconds, Rachel opens the door with a guy. She looks drunk as she is leaning onto him for support but he also looks drunk.

"Hey! Kate you made it! I thought you were going to ditch us again." She said with a slur.

"Nope I'm here! Where is the alcohol?" I asked.

"Party it up girl! Over there!" She yelled back and pointed towards the kitchen I imagine.

She tried to move but fell onto the guy even more. She spilled her drink on him but he didn't notice.

      I walked passed the drunk 'couple' and headed towards the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen, I saw a bunch of alcohol. There was whiskey, beer, vodka, and much more spread on the kitchen counter.

      I walked over and grabbed the vodka bottle. I've never had vodka but I know it is strong and right now I need something strong.

      I poured the vodka into a shot glass. Now, I'm a lightweight drinker so a strong drink could give me a vibe easily. At this point I didn't care. I needed to forget everything that happened to me this week. I hit the shot on the table and drank it. It felt like fire down my throat but it felt good.

      I took 3 more shots. I was wasted. I headed to the dance floor and some guy started grinding on me. I truly didn't care because we both would forget this tomorrow. I swayed my hips in rhythm with his. I was having so much fun until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around to see Max. I stopped dancing. He looked at me and grinned. He come closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Now I can have you all to myself." He said.

      He then grabbed my hand and yanked me away from the dance floor. We headed towards the front door. I tried to stop him but my body wouldn't let me. My head was dizzy and my mind and body weren't connecting.

      He was about to open the door when it swung open. There stood Rachel's parents with some other adults behind them. Matt froze in place. His hand still holding onto mine.

"Where do you think you are taking her?" A voice yelled from the back.

"Why should it matter to you?" Max shouted back at the person whom we still couldn't see.

The adults moved and we could clearly see who it was now.

"Because I'm her father." Leonardo said.

Max let go of my hand quickly and ran off. I started falling forward until a pair of arms caught me right before I hit the ground. I was lifted off the ground and over someone's shoulder.

"I should probably take her home. I'm sorry for her." Leonardo said.

Huh, he must be the one holding me.

"No no no. We are sorry for letting our daughter have a party. We didn't know it would be this extreme. See you again Leo." A woman said.

I felt the body move. We walked outside and I felt cold. The last thing I heard before I passed out was,

"You're in serious trouble Kate."

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