The truth of death

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Welcome to chapter two! 

Hinata's POV~

 How dare he. Blaming me for the failed  spike. I hate him. I stood up dusting myself off for no particular reason. Many of the team members looked at me and started to question me.

"A..are you okay?"  Asahi asked as well as he could. 

"I guess the king still hates you." Tsukishima snickered alongside Yamaguchi.

I ignored Tsukishima's unneeded comment on this hurtful topic. "I'm fine lets just finish practicing." I tried to continue practice but I was forced to stop and help the others clean up, even though I could have stayed alone. Walking home alone was too quiet, the only noise was passing cars and the sound of my bike. Not wanting to go home and face my mother and sister, I went to a close by park that my sister always went to on the weekend. I somehow ended up sitting in one spot for hours, thinking too much. I checked my phone and it was well passed the time I wanted to leave the park and I had many missed calls from mom. She's probably panicking right now. I better go home. 

~~Time skip~~ coz why not.

Still Hinata~ 

I set my bike in the front yard too tired to put it away. As I walked in the door of my house I quietly said "I'm home." Mom practically ran around the corner and grab me crying into my shoulder.

"Shouyou! I though you got hurt or something!" 

"S..Sorry mom." I started to feel my self crying.

"Shouyou what happend? I almost called the police!" My mom look relieved and warmed up food as I lied saying nothing was wrong and that I got caught up in practice. As I started to eat I felt sick and decided to go to bed instead of eating. I noticed a bruise on my chest as I changed into something comfortable but ignored it to avoid thinking of Kageyama.

Kageyama's POV~

My mom was at work so she wouldn't know that I was home early. I say in my room and stared at the ceiling ignoring the many calls and text I was receiving. My phone continued to go off so I threw it at a wall. I didn't bother checking to see if it was broken I didn't really care, I just wanted to lay in bed and cover my head until I slept.


"Tobio Help me! Please!"

"I..I can't! I can't reach." I called out for help. Nothing. I didn't have a phone only a dumb camera. "Dad please hold on until I find help!" I was a young boy, I guessed I was five years old.

"Hurry!" His voice shook. "I can't leave you and mom alone."

I ran on a path through thick woods not risking cutting off the trail. "Anyone please help us!" A young woman and a larger man were on the path, I ran to them telling them about my father. All three of us ran to the cliff where my father was holding on to the edge. When we got there he was gone the large man looked over the edge and spoke quietly to the girl. She called someone and they took me back to the closest road where police took me. As I arrived to a hospital my mom hugged me tight.

"Tobio, you father is dead."

~End dream~

"Tobio! wake up." My mother shook me from my nightmare. "Are you okay you were screaming in your sleep again."

"Sorry I must have scared you. I'm okay, I had a dream about dad again." I sighed and stood up "Its been bothering me, you've always told me I made the cliff up out of shock but i'm still dreaming of it." 

"Tobio." She looked at me sadly. "I've lied. Your father did die on that cliff. You were so young I though you would forget that day."

I couldn't believe it. "What! You've kept the worst day of my life a secret even thought it haunted me!" I shouted my face turning red. I walked out of my room and put my second pare of volleyball shoes on. I grabbed some money and a flashlight before leaving. 

"Tobio wait! I'm so sorry." She held my wrist tightly. "Stay home."

"I need to get some of the anger out just let me go on a run. I'll be back. I promise." 

I stray tear leaked fell down her face as she let go. "Please come home soon."

I knew I wouldn't be home for a bit. I found a bus station with nightly buses and quickly bought a ticket. I'm going back to that cliff to face what haunts me.

~Time skip~ (Nothing interesting about a bus. Also warning there are some suicidal thoughts below.)

I got to the bus stop closest to the trail my father died at. The whole trail was blocked off buy chain fence. Police fenced it off to protect more people from ending up like my dad. I climbed over the fence since it was easy and broken in many places. I walked back into the thick forest that now had no clear path. That didn't affect me from finding the one spot. When my father fell I never got to look over the cliff thanks to the large man that took me from the area. But now I was alone and no one was here, no one has been here for a long time. I stepped close to the edge and looked down, my stomach turned at when I saw the height. He fell because I was too slow. I couldn't save him, his last moments were alone as he fell looking at the same sky. Maybe I should have the same fate as him. I step closer to the edge the tip of my shoes hung off. I looked up at the sky.  I suddenly noticed how close to death I really was. At first I thought peace and then I thought of the amazing people I would leave. My mom needs me and my friends even if they are mad at me they would still be devastated. I can't hurt them. I backed up and decided to go home.

~The next morning~

"Mom I'm sorry I left so late last night. I shouldn't have run off." I sighed as I got ready to leave for school and my mom made me lunch.

"Its okay. I'm just glad you came home safe." She smiled at me but there was still a look of pain. She sat my lunch near me. "Just promise me you'll tell me if you have bad thoughts like you did once."

I frowned and lied to her. "Okay mom but please don't bring that up." 

"Sorry I won't. But I'm working late today so I won't be home when you get home but I'll prepare dinner and put it away before I leave. Now get going or you'll miss morning practice again." I sighed thinking about going to practice. The team is going to be so mad at me. How am I going to face them?

This is better then it was. I'm finally getting more ideas!

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