Chapter 6

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"You've chained it, correct?" Salem questioned Tyrian, her loyal servant.

"Yes.. Yes! It's locked away." Tyrian sneered. "It's very tired."

"Good... We will start the experiment tomorrow," Salem said. "It will finally begin... I must thank Cinder later."

"Thank Cinder? She's not even capable of talking-"

"Tyrian. She has captured a specimen that is irreplaceable. Learn your place."

"...sorry... But what do you expect to do with it?" Tyrian questioned.

"...It will work under us.. It has too much potential to be wasted."

"And if it doesn't want to?"

"It will not matter. It will work under us... No matter what."

"Pyrrha... What are you doing up there in heaven?" Jaune questioned as he stared at the moon. Everyone was asleep- it was the day before they left, after all. Only Jaune was awake, and he was outside.

Three members of team RWBY.

Three members of team JNPR.

Weiss was planning on meeting them at Haven. Ruby had contacted Weiss earlier today, and Weiss had agreed to sneak away.

Pyrrha, however, was gone.

"I hope you're having fun up there..." Jaune sighed. "Doing... Whatever you're doing.."

"I just want you to know... That I will always be with you."

"Pyrrha?" Jaune looked around, certain her had heard the red haired warrior. He saw nothing. He clenched his fists. "Why... Why would you leave!?" He yelled, slamming his sword down and causing a shockwave. Angry tears fell from his face, and he sobbed. Throwing down his weapon, he looked up at the moon again.

"...come back... Don't leave me..."


"We're going on a hike! We're going on a hike! Today's the day- hip hip hooray!- We're going on a hike! Whoo!" Nora dashed off.

"I can't believe your dad didn't catch us," Ren said. "I thought he would've."

"Well, lucky us! We slipped off without him even realizing it." Yang pointed out. She had been training with the new arm for a few days, but her fighting skill with it was still to be determined.

"...Considering how many times I snuck food out from your house, I'm not exactly sure how perceptive your dad really is." Blake said.

"Whaaaaaaat? Dad is so perceptive!" Ruby defended her dad. "He notices us when we're sick right away! And then he gives us the best cure- whole milk and our favorite video game!"


"O...Ok," Ren sighed. "We'll go with that."

"Hurry up!" Nora called, ahead of the group. "We're going to be late!"

Jaune was silent. His mind was still on Pyrrha. The warrior who had made Jaune who he was. The girl who left him with his heart in shatters...

"When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... Some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life." Pyrrha told them.

Jaune whirled around, expecting to see the red haired smiling warrior, but instead met nothing.  He sighed as he turned back around.

That's the second time I've hallucinated her in the past 24 hours.. Jaune thought. I'm going insane without her...

"Jaune? You alright..?" Ruby questioned.

"Are you feeling alright, Jaune? If you're not, take a break.

"...Yeah. I'm fine," Jaune forced a smile onto his face. "Let's keep moving."


"I'm fine. Really."


"Weiss, are you sure you'd like to go through with this?" Her butler asked her. "There's no turning back. They probably won't accept you back-"

"I don't care about that," Weiss told him. "If anything, it'll be a relief. Whitley can finally become the heir to the Schnee dust company, which he wants so much anyway. I don't need that. I need to find my team."

"If you say so, Miss Schnee," Her butler sighed. "But I'm always here for you if you need me."

Weiss smiled.

"Thank you."


Weiss remembered the memory on the plane. How she only wished that this plane would move faster so she could join the rest of her team. She briefly wondered how the rest of the team was. She was sure Jaune wasn't holding up well, and neither was Ruby.

After all, Ruby had lost not only one friend, but two. Maybe even three, since Weiss wasn't there currently.

Jaune had lost Pyrrha. Suddenly, Weiss felt bad for the boy she had always looked down on. Poor Jaune, she thought. He'd finally gotten over me, and to have her stolen from him...

Weiss looked out the plane window. Blue skies, white fluffy clouds blocking her sight.

There's always something standing in my way...

Something? Weiss scoffed. More like someone.

They're always blocking my path..

Not anymore. Weiss wouldn't let herself think that way anymore. She was finally free, and she was finally going to see Ruby. Well, and the rest, but most importantly, Ruby.

She hoped this plane ride would end soon.

Hey everyone. Thank you for reading! If you like this story, check out of other story called "Heroes and Villains." There is also a collab im in about RWBY, on the account Kai_and_Kaira the book name is LJNT.

Yeah, that's about it.

Hope you all liked the chapter!

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