Wasted On Top Of A Brocken World (Dave Escamilla Crown The Empire)

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I glace around exasperated from my long journey, the crowds were a blur, like ghosts floating by me. I paid no attention to them; my goal was simply to get to the other side of this unstable bridge linking my home to civilisation. My whole body trembled as I anxiously stumbled over to my abandoned car, my very life in jeopardy.

In the car I smelled pine reminding me of a better time, I readjusted my mirror; my emerald eyes flashing back at me as I do so. My thick eyeliner still perfectly formed against my warm caramel skin, though this was no time to admire myself. I set the car in motion and cautiously drove along the wide length of this desolate construction. The metal work moaned under the change in weight and I could sense the structure was at its breaking point.

Swiftly I geared the car and raced along the bridge, as I did so I chanted "I can make it, I can make it". I had to make it. There was no other option for me; this was my last chance at a new life, a new start. The remnants of a broken life being thrown away in order for me to heal and become whole as I once had been.... I longed for that.

I heard snapping behind me though I did not look in case I froze with fright; I knew the bridge was collapsing though I did not want to believe it. The surrounding scenery and empty cars became merged to form just block colours due to the immense speed I forced my screeching car to hit. Sweat trickled down my brow as the aching bridge groaned like a dying elder gasping for air as its being submerged into the poisonous waters. I bit my lip to the point I could taste the blood just to ensure that I was still living.

In a sense I had never felt more alive, my hair prickling my sensitive skin as it stood like independent trees. My hands grasping the wheel like it was the only thing keeping me from dying. My green eyes so concentrated on the tarmac and obstacles that my brain was in pain from the intense focus. My feet straining so hard against the pedal it was beginning to feel numb and weak. This is what it's like to live, I had forgotten that feeling. At the point of impending death you feel most alive. Though this could not last eternally, no, the experience was to end as swiftly as it came. Though I craved more I knew it could not be possible hence I savoured the moment and inflated it to its maximum.

As the car flew into the air i felt as though time had stilled, I could hear the rapid beating of my heart while my whole body pulsed with adrenaline.  I could feel my forehead melting like ice in the heat while my palms slid down the wheel with the amount of sweat they were expelling.  With my nerves rising I felt like the strain of the car was also my strain, my strain of will.

But alas with an unmistakable thump and scraping of metal, I had made it, it was an invigorating drive but I had arrived in the "North". My emotions were a sweet cocktail of excitement, anticipation, fear and confusion. This side of the bridge  was not as I had imagined it to be. Dread began to consume my entire being as I realise what was going on, after all this is what had happened to my home the "South" prior to the zombies and the apocalypse arriving.

The sky was a burning red with fire and ashes as the helicopters and planes shot a rain of bullets down onto survivors. The bombs causing chaos and mayhem across the city. Once beautiful skyscrapers fell into the rubble that now covered the ground like a warm blanket of destruction. I knew how this malicious company that caused this operated, they were swift and thorough so that resistance was futile and ineffective in comparison to the doom the country was facing.

I felt tears roll down my cheeks like a salty reminder of the death of my own home. Although there was no time to waste, as the crackling death surrounding me grew increasingly dangerous I knew I needed to find a place to hide, it wouldn't be too long before they start to eliminate humanity... that's how "Symphonixs" work. They kill all populating humans ruthlessly so that the Zombies can populate the area- no one knows if they're just enthusiasts or bat shit crazy but I try not to prolong thinking about it in case I wind up road kill or worse.

Wasted on top of a brocken world (Dave Escamilla Crown The Empire)Where stories live. Discover now