Time to face the music

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                                                                           Chapter 2

The next day was school, so it was struggle getting out of bed, the curtains drew open and mum was standing hovering over me.

"Rise and shine"

I moaned and turned over sinking my head further into my pillow

“You have 10 minutes to get downstairs for breakfast; toast is in the table for when you want it"

“OK..." I murmured...and I lay there for a while, until I had the strength to ease myself up, I got out of bed and head straight to my wardrobe to pick out a few bits, a pair of ripped jeans, a Gothic top with a purple pentagram on the front with fishnet sleeves, I gave my hair a quick brush, and applied some of my everyday Gothic make-up. I headed on downstairs with my school bag which was stuffed with books as I couldn't be bothered to sort them out.

I sat down at the dinner table and nibbled a bit at my toast my mum was at the sink doing a bit of early washing up, whilst my younger brother Sam was eating his boiled egg and soldiers, gulping them into his mouth, with food crumbs all round his chin, for a 11 year old he sure didn't know how to clean himself up.

"Celestria, you were out awfully late last night?"

My mum turned to face me and everything that happened slowly came back into my memory

“Sorry, I decided to walk it home, that's why It took so long for me to get back"

Shit! Now’s she's going to ask the big question?

“What? At 11 o'clock at night by yourself, wouldn't it of been easier if you asked one of your friends for a lift or catch a late night bus?"

There you go!

“No, I wanted to walk, just to get a bit of exercise and in other circumstances I like to walk"

She gave me another glare

“Yeah but you know that me and your father don't like you being out so late at night, especially on your own"

Great now it's getting personal

“Yeah I know but...I preferred walking, besides no one was offering a lift anyway, so there would of been no point"

My brother was smirking and giggling under his breath, it's nice to know that he’s getting some amusement out of this

“And what are you laughing at squirm!"

My brother looked away

“Nothing! It’s just I only seem to be the good sibling out of us two, I don't get myself into trouble!"

I stared him down and gave him an evil look

“Shut up! Or I'll feed you to the demons in my closet, I'm pretty sure they would love to feast on a little brat like you!"

My mum slapped the table

"Celestria please stop threatening your brother! And Sam please hurry up and get yourself cleaned up"

I finished my toast and left the room I could hear my brother shout out

"She's only staying out late because she's got a boyfriend!"


"Shut up! And no I don't you liar!"  I shouted out from the hallway, I quickly put on my lace up boots and grabbed my beanie hat with the head of Jack Skeleton on front. I shouted goodbye to my mum and left the house.

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