4: a LIttLe bIt of a reaLIty LIfe

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A/N: Before the chapter begins, I just wanna speak of my appreciation and admiration for every single one of you who take the time out of your day to read my ridiculous ass book. And that includes all of you ghosties, I love yall too💕. So without further or due, LET'S START THIS BITCH.

Justin had just entered his house after a day of being out and about with his friends. He closed the front door of his home, kicking his shoes off on the mat by the door and strutted to the living room, dropping is keys on the coffee table.

He plopped himself on his blood-red colored sofa in front of the t.v. and reached for the remote control to turn it on. As he flipped through the channels, his mind wonders to the guy he's been chatting it up with for the past week; Niaz.

Their conversations consisted of bullshit bickering and Niaz making it his life goal to annoy and piss Justin off. Justin never took anything Niaz has said to heart because he knows that Niaz isn't being 100% seriousand plus, he doesn't know that he's talking to the Justin Bieber.

Justin then thinks about telling Niaz who he is. His conscious didn't shut down the idea completely. Though he, himself, knows that the possibility of Niaz knowing his identity isn't one of the brightest idea, he still puts it into consideration.

Niaz doesn't seem like the type to fangirl, he may act a little starstruck, but definitely no where near the psychopathic hormonal teenage girls he experiences on a daily bases.

'If we keep talking, I'll tell him one day' Justin thinks to himself. He pulls out his large cellphone from the back of his jeans pocket, raising his hips a little so he can fully retrieve it. He unlocks it with finger I.D. and goes into the Kik messaging app to text a certain someone.

Usually, the conversations he had with Niaz would start where it left off because one would fall asleep before the other, but the last conversation they had closed with the two fellows sharing a goodnight with each other.

And that was two nights ago.

HQ: Hi NiNi !!!

'NiNi' is a nickname Justin made for Niaz a few days ago. He was hoping that the name would irritate or annoy Niaz, but that was not the case at all. Niaz wasn't affected by it at all. In fact, he was saying things such as "OMG BABE, YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT TO CALL A GIRL TO MAKE HER SWOON HEART EYES AND MAKE HER PANTIES SOAKING WET" following a whole bunch hearts, heart eyes and a bunch of nonsense emotion emojis.

Justin chuckled as he thought back to that memory. He wouldn't admit it to Niaz, but he personally loves how sarcastic and witty Niaz is with everything and anything. The only time where he is completely serious is when he's talking about his reality; his life.

Other than that, Justin can't recall a moment where Niaz was being serious.

Justin exited the app, going to his home screen and went to Instagram to browse through the app on his second account 'memep'. He created the account to get away from his 'International Pop-Star' life, but it didn't take too long for quite clever fans to figure out that it was him. It was pretty obvious, so Justin told his fans that it was Johnny- one of Justin's good friends who runs the account and it seemed to work. For most of them, anyway.

He posted a meme with a corny caption before going through the explore page. He laughed a few posts and screenshots some of them, but then he sees something that catches his eyes.

It was a magazine cover; Vogue to be exact and on it was Zayn Malik and his supposed girlfriend Gigi Hadid. They were both sporting what looked to be red sweat suits, Zayn's looking 70's more than ever.

Justin had absolutely nothing against Gigi. No doubt that she a pretty girl, he just didn't think that she was as "Gorgeous" as people perceived her to be. In all honesty, he thought she was average and felt like Zayn could do so much better.

Justin wouldn't admit it aloud, but Zayn is one of the few guys he wouldn't mind fooling around with at all. They've only hung out on a few occasions- if you exclude the very brief greetings at award shows and such. Justin thinks about hitting Zayn up to have a chat and catch up.

Justin stares at the picture a little longer than usual. Without a doubt, they both looked amazing for that photoshoot- Zayn more than Gigi, but Justin wouldn't admit that aloud. He thinks about posting it on his verified account for a few reasons: They both look really good, this is a way Justin can reach out to Zayns team and they may discuss a collaboration between the two. Plus a collaboration means that Justin can get in contact with Zayn.

Justin thinks it's a brilliant idea and he screenshots the photo, going onto his main account to post it.

He captions the picture: "Love this" and waits as his notifications immediately begin to explode with likes and comments.

He captions the picture: "Love this" and waits as his notifications immediately begin to explode with likes and comments

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2 mins ago


Niaz: HEY!!



HQ: Nah man. Its totally fine

HQ: You don't have to explain yourself to me

HQ: We all got our own shit to do

Niaz: Glad you understand🙏

HQ: Yeah man. Of course

HQ: If you don't mind me asking what's your occupation ??🤔



HQ: 🙄

Niaz: 💞💖💕💝💓

A/N: Guys, I'm so sorry, I meant to update this a while ago, but the other night I got stoned as fuck (I deadass smoked 3 whole blunts by myself) and when I'm high, I get really sleepy, so I wasn't able to publish this chapter last night.

I dedicate this chapter to j-jastin because she's another author that inspired me to write a texting book. She's super funny, and her books don't dissapoint, so yall should really go check her out.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share💕

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