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Justin was laying flat on his back on his sofa staring blankly at the chandelier hanging from the ceiling of his living room, absolutely bored out of his mind.

His Purpose Tour had just ended and he was on hiatus from any interviews, radio shows or tv appearances and had no idea what to do for his time being.

He shifted on his left side, now facing the black screen of his jumbo plasma flat screen television. He let his eyes wonder as he pondered on what he could do on his abnormally rare free time.

He pursed his lips in concentration as his brain racked up thoughts on what he could do.

He thinks about going out, but then shakes his head at the thought, remembering that he's not a normal person and can't step a foot out of his house without almost getting trampled over or having bright lights flashing in his eyes, nearly blinding him. Privacy is no longer a privilege for him. Only a figment of his imagination; something he can only dream of having again.

He bites his lip, thinking about inviting some people over but discards that, not really feeling the thought of being in the company of people at the moment.

He smacks his teeth, playing with the large iPhone that rested on his tummy; just tossing it a little.

He remembered back at a YouTube video he watched from a while back and as if someone just flick a light switch in his brain, a lightbulb appeared on top of his head.

The videos he was watching were bizzare and unusual for the 23 year-old pop star to be watching but he found them amusing and quite entertaining so its now on his Top Ten favorite thing to watch on YouTube list.

Though he's watched a whole collection of his new found fascination, he never thought try it for himself since it's quite risky considering who he is but he decided to give it a try for today.

He got up from the couch so fast he got whiplash. He held onto the back of the couch, leaning a little as he held his forehead, groaning from the intensity his head was feeling. He rubbed his temples, feeling the pressure subside as he rolled up from his position and went to his room to retrieve his silver Mac Book.

He grabbed the laptop off of the desk in the far bottom left corner of his spacious master bedroom and retreated back to the living room and sat on the same sofa he was on before.

He opened the laptop that rested on his slightly parted thighs and started it, pressing down on the power button. He waited somewhat patiently as the Apple logo appeared on the screen, tapping on the device in a random beat, beatboxing to it as well.

He signed in and went on safari to Google search what he had been anticipating this whole time; Omegle. The first thing he saw pop up was, 'Omegle: Talk to strangers!' and he clicked on it as soon as he saw it.

When the website completely loaded, he took time to let his Hazel Brown eyes skim over the text that appeared on the website.

"Omegal (oh·meg·ull) is a great way to meet new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick someone else at random and let you talk one-on-one. To help you stay safe, chats are anonymous unless you tell someone who you are (not suggested!), and you can stop a chat at any time. Predators have been known to use Omegle, so please be careful."

That last phrase made Justin's stomach churn a little, but he decided to keep on, not wanting to back out. Instead, he kept on reading to the next line.

aLIaS《Zustin Mieber》Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang