the first time Camila sheds a tear because she might be gay.

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The first time Camila thinks that the word gay means something bad is just a few weeks into her sixth grade.

By then, she's kissed Lauren more times than she can count. And she can count a lot, mind you.

She's sitting with Lauren and Alexa outside during lunch when Billy comes out.

"Hey Troye!" Billy yells at the boy from Camila's math class

Lauren feels goosebumps all over her skin, she doesn't like Billy. He's a bully and he makes other kids cry.

Camila watches as Billy walks over to Troye and gets into his face.

"Why are you wearing pink shirt? That's for girls and not boys!"

"No it's not." Troye replies

"Yes it is! My brother said that boys who wear pink are gay! You're gay!"

"N-no I'm not!"

"Yes you are! You're gay and that's not nice. Only sick people are gay!"

"I'm not gay!" Troye says as his voice breaks down

"My dad said that gay people go to hell. You're gonna burn in hell."

When Troye starts crying, a brown eyed boy runs over to them and pushes Billy away.

"You're being mean. Leave him alone!"

"He's wearing pink! That's gay and he's going to hell."

"No, he's not. You are just being a bully and no one likes you." The boy replies before harshly pushing Billy away, making him fall onto his ass

When everyone starts laughing at him, he scurries into the building, leaving the two boys alone.

"Thank you." Troye mumbles

"You're welcome. I like pink too. I'm Shawn."


Camila watches as the two of them start walking away, Troye not crying anymore.

The same afternoon she finds herself staring into the space.

"Is everything okay mija?"

Camila turns around to look at her mother.

"Mami, what does gay mean?"

Sinu takes a seat on the couch next to her. "It means when two people of the same gander like each other. Or love each other. Like daddy and I. Two girls or two boys."

"Are they gay if they kiss each other."

"It could. Why honey?"

And just like that, Camila starts crying as the flashbacks of the kisses she shared with Lauren hit her.

"Hey, hey, love, why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"Do gay people go to hell? Billy said they do. He said they are sick."

"No honey, they don't. They aren't sick. They just happen to love someone who is the same gender as them. That's all."

"Is it bad if someone's gay?" Camila lets out a sniffle

"Of course not honey. Your uncle Pedro is gay. Did you know that?"


"Yeah. Your grandparents were mad at him at first because they thought he's gay just to make them mad. Later, they realized it has nothing to do with them. He was born that way and it didn't change who he is as a person. It only meant they will have son-in-law instead of daughter-in-law, that's it."

"How-how did he know?"

"When he and your dad were kids, he never cared about girls. When they were in high school, he didn't run after girls like your father or their friends did. And then, this new boy came from Colombia and your uncle immediately wanted to be his friend. They became best of friends. And then, when he went off to college and came back for Christmas break, he told your grandparents that he's gay. He has been dating Fernando for years and he finally found courage to tell them. They kicked him out but eventually realized they made a mistake. After all, he was their son."

"Would you-would you kick me out if I was gay?"

"No mija, of course not. You can be gay, or anything else you want. Your father and I will always support you, no matter who you are or who you love. Why? Do you wanna tell me something?"

Camila nodded her head..

"What is it?"

"No." Camila shook her head

"Hey mija, it's okay. You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to. It can wait, okay?"

"Now." Camila mumbled

"You wanna tell me now?" Sinu questioned and Camila nodded "Are you scared to tell me?"

Camila nodded again.

"Is is about Lauren?"

Camila's eyes widened before she looked down.

"Mija, it's okay. I love you. I don't care if you like Lauren. If anything, your dad will be happy he doesn't have to scare the boys away."

Camila let out a soft giggle and her mother smiled.

"You're not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad honey?"

"Because-because I like Lauren."

It was the first time Camila had said it out loud, to herself or someone else.

"No honey. I'm not mad. I told you, we don't care who you like.You're our daughter and we love you no matter what. Don't let Billy or anyone else tell you that being gay is wrong. You don't choose who you like. Just like you uncle didn't. And he's still cool, right?"

Camila nods her head. "Yes, he's funny."

"He is funny, and he has a heart made of gold. Just like you do. Being gay won't change it. And if you ever decide you're not gay after all, that's okay too. We will support that decision too."

"Thank you mami." Camila said before jumping into her mother's lap and hugging her tightly

"Of course mija."

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