Chapter 26

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                          Your POV

The days of your sixth year continued to pass in a blur. Classes became even harder, with your Professors handing out more homework than before.
Your next Quidditch match against Hufflepuff, went very well. Gryffindor won 190-30. It was a very quick game, lasting only 25 minutes. Your Seeker caught the Snitch fast, gaining your team 150 points and ending the game.
One day in early February, you woke up feeling ill. Your symptoms yielded only be a cold, luckily. You were late waking up, however, and did not have time to go to Madam Pomfery's for some Pepperup Potion. Therefore, you were forced to suffer through the day with your cold.
Your day got worse as it continued. In your first class, Transfiguration, you realized you forgot to write your essay assigned yesterday that was due today. The only good news was that you did not receive detention, for it was your first time forgetting homework. However, you lost 10 points from Gryffindor for your actions. The rest of your house was disappointed in you and a bit angry at this, for everyone desperately wanted to win the House Cup.
You skipped lunch to go to the library and work on the essay you forgot. This only amplified the displeasure of the day, because you were now hungry.
Your next class, Charms, was awful too. The class started off boring, for you were being lectured on a new charm. The person sitting next to you today, a Ravenclaw named Erin McCleoud, asked you if she could borrow some paper from you. You replied in the affirmative and proceeded to hand over some paper. Professor Flitwick heard you two whispering, and responded, "(L/N), McCleoud, please stop interrupting class. 5 points from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. McCleoud, please switch seats with Roscoe." Erin stood up and switched seats with a Slytherin boy who you despise. From across the room, Remus and Lily both gave you matching looks of pity.
"Professor, I was just giving her paper," you tried to reason.
"Next time do it before class starts, please. Now back to Charms."
The Slytherin boy who now sat next to you distracted you much, for he kept bewitching paper airplanes to fly at people in the class. Flitwick tells us off for exchanging paper, yet he doesn't say a thing to someone bewitching paper airplanes?! you thought, moodily.
Your anger continued all throughout class, but you keep your mouth shut in fear of getting a worse punishment.
You luckily had no more classes that day, so you went back to the Common Room to await dinner. You worked on homework for some time, still brooding over the day. Remus sat down next to you at your table, saying, "Bad day, huh?" You assume your anger is clear on your face.
"Awful. Everything seemed to go wrong," you replied.
"Well, I can't fix the day, but I think I might be able to make you at least a little bit happy."
Your eyebrows raise in confusion. "How?" you inquired.
"Valentine's Day is coming up and there's a Hogsmeade trip that day. So, (Y/N), will you be my Valentine and accompany me on a date in Hogsmeade?"
For the first time that day, you smiled. "Of course I will, Remus!" you responded happily.
     You and Remus continued to work on homework, both excited for February 14th.
      Valentine's Day was suddenly upon you. You woke up feeling excited for the day. Yesterday evening, you and Lily picked out a cute outfit for your date. Due to it still being cold and snowy outside, you wore a red skirt, grey jumper, tights, and a scarf.

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Wolf With a Lamb's Heart (Young Remus Lupin x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ