Chapter 2

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                            Your POV

       Lily jolted you awake once the castle was in view. It was raining heavily, the sky bright with lighting.
   "I'm glad we don't have to take the boats up with the first years!" you said to Lily over the roar of the storm.
You spy the Marauders advancing through the crowd toward you and Lily, James Potter leading the way. Sirius Black followed looking triumphant, with Remus Lupin after him with a slightly exasperated expression, followed by Peter Pettigrew barely keeping up. Lily picked up her pace as you followed. Luckily, you managed to squeeze into a carriage with some fourth year girls, away from the Marauders.
"Potter is so annoying. He never leaves me alone!" Lily remarked, an irritated expression on her face.
The fourth year girls in the carriage exchange glances, knowing looks on their faces. You and Lily overhear one whisper, "She totally likes Potter."
Lily's face turns bright red, an expression of horror written across it. "I do not like that arrogant toerag and I never will!" she retorts, her blush deepening.
   "Lily, you're blushing! You never blush!" you say to her, bewildered, after the fourth year girls begin a discussion with a new topic.
   "(Y/N), I'm just- embarrassed!" Lily stutters back. "Imagine if Potter heard that I liked him! He would never shut up again! And it's not like it's true!"
   You nod, thinking of the arrogant James Potter and his faithful friends.
   The carriage turns a corner, revealing Hogwarts in all it's glory.

   You stare for a few moments, transfixed on the castle which would become your home once more

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   You stare for a few moments, transfixed on the castle which would become your home once more. Finally, the carriage comes to a halt. You, Lily, and the fourth years hop out, careful to avoid the puddles appearing on the ground.
"Another year, and I'm still in awe of the castle," Lily laughs, shielding her green eyes from the rain as she looks up at Hogwarts.
"We're home," you respond, smiling.

Wolf With a Lamb's Heart (Young Remus Lupin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now