Chapter 22

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                          Your POV

     After breakfast, you went back to your dormitory. Lily was awake. "Ugh, my head is pounding," she said. "And I only had one glass!"
     You laugh, saying, "So what happened last night? I don't remember much."
     Lily blanched and said, "Well, James kissed me and I let him. I even kissed him back a bit."
     Your mouth dropped open. "He'll never let you forget this, Lily!"
     "I don't think he'll remember. Actually, I'm counting on that. The Firewhiskey had better done it's job! He had more than I did, so the chances of him forgetting are high."
     You respond, "We'll have to wait and see, I guess."
     Lily changes the subject, asking, "Did I miss breakfast?"
     "Yes, I already had breakfast with Remus. There was barely anyone there!"
Lily sighed, "I guess I'll have to wait for lunch, then."
After Lily got dressed and ready, you two went down to the Common Room. There were a few people up, all crowded around the signboard. "There was a Hogsmeade visit added for today after lunch!" someone said.
"Perfect! We can finish our Christmas shopping today!" you told Lily.
"You mean I can start my Christmas shopping today!" Lily corrected.
You laughed, saying, "You always do procrastinate!"
You and Lily hopped onto the train headed to Hogsmeade. "Lily! (Y/N)! Come sit with us!" James called to you.
You sat in the compartment, noticing one of the Marauders missing. Lily noticed as well. "Where's Sirius?" Lily asked.
"He's still asleep. Which I would be as well, if it weren't for dear Remus waking me up!" James cast a look at Remus with raised eyebrows. Remus simply rolled his eyes.
"Oh, come on, James. You haven't even started your Christmas shopping, so I knew you had to go today," Remus replied. James pouted as Lily cast you an amused look. She really was a lot like James! James did not mention his kiss with Lily, so you assumed he had not remembered it.
     The train finally halted, pulling into the station. You and Lily set off in search of gifts. The boys set off in a different direction.
You first went to Sprintwitches Sporting Needs. When you came out of the shop 30 minutes later, your pockets were considerably lighter, having purchased quite a few gifts there.
Next, you went to Tomes and Scrolls to purchase a gift for Remus. He had been hinting at wanting a specific book for a while, so you thought it best to buy it for him.
You and Lily made a quick stop in Honeydukes, loading up on sugary goodness. Some of it you would eat and some of it you would gift.
Lastly, you went to Zonko's Joke Shop, where you bought gifts for the two biggest troublemakers in your friend group: James and Sirius.
Pockets almost devoid of money, you and Lily traversed through the snow to the Three Broomsticks to warm up with some butterbeer. "Oi! (Y/N)! Lily!" Remus waved you over to where the three boys sat. He handed you a butterbeer, which you gratefully accepted. Lily grabbed another.
After you finish your butterbeer, you and Lily took the train back to Hogwarts, bearing many gifts.
"I can't wait for Christmas!" Lily said as you reached your dormitory.
"Me too! I hope everyone likes their gifts." You set your packages down on your bed and turn to the door. "I have to go send a letter to my family from the owlery, but I'll only be a few minutes."
"Okay!" As you walk out of the door, you hear Lily humming "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" under her breath. Smiling, you walk to the owlery.
Hi everyone! Please comment what you think Remus should give the reader (you) for Christmas! Thanks!

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