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Samantha was writing everything down on the board. She was lightning fast. One space after the other.

She heavily questioned about the disappearance of Abigail. Did she get killed?

The principal knocked on the door and Mr. James stopped what he was writing on the board and held open the door for the principal. The principal whispered into Mr. James for a moment and went out of the classroom.

"Unfortunately Abigail,your classmate, isn't in this class anymore. She has taken up a higher level of learning. But that doesn't mean she moved up grades. She is having private lessons with our principal. I do not want to hear questions after this." Mr. James said with a serious voice.

The class was getting noisy. Everyone was whispering except for Samantha.

"Do you think she was the one who died?" a student whispered to another student. Rumors were spreading all over the school. Samantha stayed quiet and continued her writing while Mr. James continued to write on the board. "Be quiet or you'll have a week of detention." Mr. James said.

The whole class suddenly became quiet. " Or a week of suffering." A student whispered to another student. Mr. James heard what the student said and stopped his writing. "Bang!" Mr. James slammed his chalk on his desk.

They were dead silent. He walked over to the student and grabbed his arm. "You're going to the principal's office, young man." He said while grabbing him with a strong force. The student couldn't run away. The force on his hand was too strong. He tried to hold onto the door knob to stay in his position but failed.

"I don't want to go! Not again!" The student said while getting pushed in the office. Samantha could hear screams coming from the office.


The bell rang. Mr. James entered the classroom, walked straight to his desk and put hit elbows on the surface of the desk and hands on his head. He was scratching his head uncontrollably. The class immediately went out of the classroom. Samantha was last to exit and saw Mr. James whispering things to himself.

This is the strangest he has been. Samantha questioned Mr. James as well as Abigail.

Samantha walked over to her locker and reached for her books. Her locker was so high the tip of her toes were barely touching the ground when she reached for the books. She grabbed onto one book and immediately fell down. "Uff!" Samantha said while falling onto the cold, hard floor.

No one seemed to notice her. The passers-by were just walking with a blank face. This is strange.

Samantha got up with a bruise on her knees and walked carefully to class.


Samantha walked in 5 minutes late due to her bruised knees. "First warning, Samantha." The teacher said while handing in her tardy, pink slip.

The teacher stood up and started her lecture. Shapes, lines, what else? Samantha thought with her legs crossed. Unlike her, the other students were face front with straight legs. The lesson never mattered anyways. It was just polygons, shapes and whatever you can think of.


Samantha got her books and silently walked carefully out of the classroom and to the cafeteria.

She noticed something different. The students' faces were blank. Not like the school she remembered back in pre-school. As she walked to her locker to return her books, she had to struggle with how high her locker was.

Fifteen minutes had passed and Samantha already arrived at the lunch table with her friends.

"Heya, Samantha." Tom said with a little smile. "Are you okay? Your knees looked injured." "Oh it's just a bruise" Samantha said while covering her wounds up with her skirt. "Where's Samuel and Jeffrey?" Samantha asked. " They're at the principal's office." Tom said.

Samantha gasped. More and more people get sent there. But why them?

"Are you okay? You seem worried." Tom asked. "I-i need to go" Samantha said while leaving her food unattended.

She peeked at the window of the principal's door. She sees Jeffrey and Samuel crying. The principal shouted at them. The only thing she could hear was muffled

Insanity or sanity?

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