Chapter 1

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It was March 23, 2017, it was a chilly morning in Summertown, Tennessee. The birds were chirping and you could hear the little kids waiting at the bus stop giggling and goofing off together as they waited for their bus.

Sandy rolled over in her oversized queen bed and looked at the alarm clock on the end table it was glowing red 6:15am. She could sleep for another hour before she had to get up.

She pulled her blanket to her face and curled back up into a ball and closed her eyes. She didn't have to wait on a bus or a ride to school her parents got her a car for her 16th birthday a month earlier.

Her family was a well to do family in the small community of Summertown. Her Sandy's father was a well known lawyer and her mother was a tv star who was a regular on "All In" a cheesy soap opera.

Sandy was the only child the couple had together, so you could imagine what she got away with stuff most kids her age couldn't. Just a quick call to mommy amd daddy and she got her way quickly.

7:15am came too fast, she wanted more sleep but she didnt didn't want to hear her teacher's mouth that morning. She jumped into the shower, got dressed and make up on before 8:00am hit.

She grabbed her bag and jumped into her car and was off to school for the day. No one knew what was about to happen to her and the other students of Summertown High School.

They lived 15 minutes from the school so she didn't fly to school. She pulled into her regular parking spot and got her things from the back seat when she felt a hand grab her round form ass.

She flung around and saw Collin right behind her with the look of want in his eyes. "Down puppy" Blew him a kiss and walked away while he smiled at her departure.

The school use to be a all girls school but the times have changed and they started allowing boys to come to the school. That made the school a whole lot better then when it was just a all girls school.

She ran to her first period class, Mrs. Mark's was calling the roll with a who gives a shit attitude. She only had to deal with this class for a little longer.


Ms. Mark's was a nun for the local Catholic church, all of the teachers and staff were either nuns or priest's. They were extremely stricked with the students, especially when it came to mass.

Sandy wasn't a very religious girl, she hated going to the Catholic school that her parents choose. She was raised in the Catholic church all her life but she fought her parents every inch of the way through her middle school and now high school years.

Only on more year to go and she could be free to go any where she wanted and be whoever she wanted to be. No rules, no authority to tell her anything. She couldn't wait for that time to come.

So mean while she was going to butt heads with all authority figures and have fun doing it. Her parents couldn't stop her, or didn't care to stop her.

Her parents didn't care what she did as long as she didn't get in their way, Sally thought she was a adult already. She had no curfew, she had credit cards and a car and phone and all the clothes she wanted.

But she wanted fun, she wanted to be free to do what she wanted from under her parents roof. So she didn't have to answer to no one but herself.


The bell rang and she was free from the queen of boring Ms. Mark's. Sally looked at her phone and saw she had a missed call and three text messages.

She leaned up against a locker and read the texts:

"When you get this call me ASAP bitch!"

She knew that was from Marcus, she pushed the delete button and went to the next one:

"Hey girl, we got a party to do tonight meet me at the house at 6pm"

Sally responded to the text:

"I'll be there, I gotta pick up something to wear meet me at the mall at 4:50"

And then the last message:

"Look at you all sweet and innocent.. but I know what your doing slut.."

She looked at the number it wasn't programmed into her phone and she didn't recognize the number either. She responded with:

"Who the hell is this? And you have no idea who your messing with! LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Sally rushed to her next class, she placed her cell in her bag and pulled out the math folder and ran down the now empty hallway.


She looked so innocent while she played the good girl routine at the school. But as soon as the sun went down her whole life changed.

There wasn't any innocence after the sun went down, she was a slut... A prostitute by the terms of what she was doing..

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