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The next day Axl woke up around 3pm arm draped over slash's waist slash still sleeping Axl groand with a really bad headache witch woke slash it was awkward for a few minutes then slash said "hey...umm...Axl" Axl replied with "hmmm..what is it slasher" slash hesitated for a second then finally said "do you remember anything from last night?"

Axl quickly tensed up and slash could tell and said "I'll take that as a yeah" Axl sat up and nervously looked at slash who also sat up Axl started sweating and shaking a little when slash asked "did you mean it...what you said?" Axl replied with " yes every last word"

slash was a little stunned when they heard a knock on the door Axl and slash quickly jumped up and threw on some clothes and answered the door it was izzy, Duff and Steven, Axl said "hey what's up?" Duff said they were going out to eat and asked if they wanted to join they they said sure and they left and went to some restaurant a block away from the hotel.

When they got to the restaurant they sat down at a both in a corner they looked at the menus until the waiter takes their order slash decided to go for the Bacon cheese burger, Axl wanted spaghetti, duff and Steven both wanted grilled cheese, while Izzy wanted hot wings. while they waited for their food they started talking about the concert they were gonna be doing in

tomorrow slash said "I can't wait it'll be so much fun and after we can get drunk as fuck HAHAHA" the guys just agreed with slash. they got their food and ate it then Axl and slash back to their hotel room Izzy went with steven and duff to hook up with some chicks Axl and slash just sat on the sofa watching star wars when Axl turned to slash and said

"slash do you love me?...like more than a friend?" Slash looked at Axl and replied with a simple "yeah" Axl smiled and moved closer to slash and snuggled up at his side slash put his arm around Axl and smiled they ended up falling asleep on the sofa slash woke up around

3am and carried Axl to their bed and softly laid Axl under the covers then crawled under them himself moving closer to Axl so his arm was round his waist Axl grabbed Slash's hand and whispered "I love you slash" slash replied with "I love you too axl" and fell back to sleep.

Hey guys OK this one was probably a little boring cause nothing happened but hey Axl and slash are together lol I'll post tm thanks
~love ya cece

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