Birthday Bonus

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A/N: A double update?? Why?? Because it's Bella's first day of being a teenager!! (she's a reader on FFN)
PS. That alliteration though ;p

Cinder claps.

In fact, all eight of them clap.

They're back at their school, watching the summer talent display, which is basically all the creative groups at once.

They'd all helped out, of course.

Kai had helped the poets and song writers, Thorne had helped anyone with stage fright, Scarlet had helped with the scenery layout, Winter had helped with the stage decorations, Cinder and Cress had helped with the technical aspects, Jacin had helped with the set up and transitions, and Wolf had helped with selling and checking tickets.

They'd all put their best into it and now they're sitting, watching.

They clap loudly as each act does their part, any small hiccups being quickly covered up.

The last act had been a surprise for all them, the girl usually laying low and keeping to her books. But her parents had convinced her to take part and none of the eight had argued, knowing that she was talented.

As the girl walks up onto stage, her shimmering blonde curls braided into a mesmerising design, the hall goes silent.

The girl smiles and takes her spot as the music starts. They all watch as she gracefully starts to move, each action fluid and precise. It's energetic and daring, her toes pointed and her fingers stretched. She glides across the stage almost effortlessly, her iridescent outfit shining as she twirls under particular lights.

Every one of her moves is magical and beautiful, her expression never faltering and her choreography stunning. Her dance is the music and the music is her dance as she dances, every gaze fixed on her.

When she stops, her green eyes are sparkling and she's beaming widely.

Cinder whistles, smiling at the girl and her wonderful finale.

"And give it up for Bella!" the principal announces, walking into the stage.

Bella smiles and heads backstage while the principal finishes his ending speech.

Cinder turns to Kai with a smile. "She did it!"

"And she was perfect." Kai smiles.

"Show's over." Cinder entwines their hands. "What do we do now?"

"We go home." Kai winks.

"I'm always home when I'm with you," Cinder says softly.

"My lactose intolerance hates us right now," Kai laughs.

Cinder giggles.

"Should we go get ready for the bow?" Kai asks.

Cinder nods, and the two of them make they're way back to the stage, where everyone else is lining to hold hands and bow to end the show.

Cinder smiles as she sees Bella. "Hey, you were fantastic!"

"Thank you!" Bella smiles back, her voice bubbly and full of exhilaration.

Cinder takes her hand, her other one obviously linked to Kai, as they walk out on stage, smiling and laughing as they see everyone clapping and some people crying because it's the last show they'll ever take part in.

Cinder's just glad she'd gotten the chance to work with all of her friends, even if they were all helping out in different areas.

She doesn't really care what they're doing as long as it's together. After all, if you can help try to prevent a marriage, fail, and then attempt to make the groom a widower to stop a crazed family member from taking revenge, what can't you do?

She almost with happy laughter at the thought.

And Cinder smiles.


H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y - B E L L A


Okay, thank you to everyone who has read along and maybe voted! As of the previous chapter, right now, thank you for 809 reads, 46 votes, 36 comments {some are my replies so they don't count I suppose} and somewhere over 40k words, plus a lot of authors notes :)

I wasn't sure I'd be able to upload every day but I somehow managed?? And did twice the amount for a while as well??

Sorry, I realise that there must be a lot of mistakes...

Now, y'all have some desicions...

Which ship?

Within the four main ships, I'm more inclined to Kaider or Cresswell as I'm not sure how well I can write Wolflet and Jacinter. Also, I can try a non canon ship if you like, whoever you want together.

Heavy or Light?

Do you want a fluffy fic with lots of cute things or one with darker, more mature themes?

AU or OOC?

Not sure that my writing can be canon but do you want then to be as similar to themselves as possible in a different world or maybe swapped personalities and / or roles? This one can be neither for both if you like.

Particular trope?

Do you want to see them in a particular setting? Eg. Pastel and Punk, Gang AU, Werewolves and Vampires, Enemies to Friends, Fake Foes? Soulmate AU? I love Soulmate AUs...

Particular prompt?

Did you guys see a prompt or headcannon and go 'this has to be this ship' and you want me to maybe try writing it?

Let me know!

I probably won't be doing this for a while, definitely not August and I'm not sure about September. I have a few other fic ideas I'd really like to work on...

I am going to be slowly adding to my other Kaider fic 'All Because Of A Car' if you'd like some lighter Kaider for now.

If you're reading this and I've not added another author's note to announce the next fic, feel free to let me know your preference!

Blaze out! Peace :)

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