Nineteen: Wild Recovery

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A/N: Warning: Mild Violence

Cinder jolts awake.

"Ugh, what... What time is it?" she mumbles groggily.

"Just past half nine in the morning," Dr Erland replies quickly.

"Oh." is all Cinder can say to that.

"Do you want some water, Cinder?" Dr Erland asks, handing her a glass.

After downing it in one go, she blinks herself into full consciousness and makes an effort to smile.

"Is Kai okay?" she asks urgently.

Dr Erland nods. "He'll be okay."

"What... What happened?"

"He... Well, it's not my place to say," Dr Erland tells her, smiling sadly.

Cinder nods in understanding, pulling herself upright and clicking her neck. "Is he awake?"

"Yes." Dr Erland smiles widely. "Of course, I'm sure you'll want to see him?"


Cinder follows Dr Erland into the back room, gasping and running forwards as she sees Kai.

He's slightly less pale than before, lying propped up with pillows on either side of him. He has an IV drip inserted into the back of his left hand and a bandage around his head but all Cinder can see is the bright smile on his face.

"Hello, Empress."

Cinder gasps, throwing her arms around him. "Kai, you idiot!"


To anyone else, this might sound like a totally random exclamation but Cinder jerks backwards. "Oh, sorry."

Cinder finds herself staring at the warm copper of his eyes, loving that she can see them again, full of energy.

"You appear to be gazing," Kai observes.

Cinder giggles, "Do I?"

"Just a little bit," Kai whispers, blinking slowly. "I think I'm a bit..."

"Loopy?" Cinder asks, grinning at his partially dazed expression.

Dr Erland coughs behind them, "He is on rather heavy medication."

Cinder shakes her head fondly. "Of course he is."

"It should ware off completely within the next few minutes," Dr Erland assures her.

Kai's eyelids droop but he struggles to keep them open each time anyway; Cinder smiles softly.

She pushes herself onto the bed and settles beside him so that he can rest his head on her shoulder and she can wrap her arms around his shoulders.

Kai smiles softly as Cinder plays with his hair, careful not to touch the bandage. She notices him dozing off, his breathing steadying until he's fast asleep.

"Cress wasn't lying when she told me the two of you are hopelessly in love," Dr Erland notes.

Cinder just nods, shifting her weight a little so she can pull Kai closer.

"Why was he unconscious?" Cinder asks quietly.

"Stab wound, across his torso and arm."

Cinder swears, groaning, "Where did they get a knife?"

"You know who did this?" he asks, sounding surprised.

"Yeah, and we're going to get revenge," Cinder promises.

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