Something's Wrong

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Blue Eyes had been acting strangely since the anniversary of Ash's death. There would be times when he seemed perfectly normal and then times he would lash out in anger for no apparent reason. The worst times were when an ape accidentally made a loud noise, or when a mischievous young ape would try and surprise either him or another ape close to him. It was like a string had been pulled so tight it snapped suddenly. No one knew when the next outburst would happen or how strong it would be. Many had associated his actions with normal teenage behavior, the age of moodiness and defiance against their elders, but as the days went on, it was evident he wasn't being defiant.

Along with Caesar, some had grown quite concerned for him, especially Rocket and Maurice. Both always seemed to be close by when Blue Eyes would snap and each were growing worried that Caesar's eldest would soon turn to aggressive violence if something wasn't done. As it turned out, they didn't have to wait long.

Caesar had just finished tying the end of a rope he and Maurice had been working on when his thin-haired friend came trotting over to them, a look of anger on his ever frowning face.

Caesar, Rocket signed with a grunt and a few hoots, Your son is out of control!

Caesar clenched his eyebrows taught, concern, anger, and annoyance writhing behind his green eyes. What happened now? he signed.

Rocket glanced over at the listening eyes of Maurice and shared a look with the orangutan that gave Caesar the impression each had been dreading the day of this conversation.

"What...happened?!" Caesar almost growled, his glare alone made Rocket crouch down in submission. Maurice made no move to answer and waited, not without an annoyed glare from Rocket, until his chimp friend answered Caesar.

Rocket sat with a grunt, rocking back and forth on his knuckles until he found the courage to sign, Blue Eyes attacked Oliver, he signed hastily.

Caesar immediately made a move to go discipline his son but was held back by Maurice, his calming hand on his shoulder urging him to listen.

How bad is Oliver hurt? the orangutan signed.

Rocket grunted some more, It doesn't matter how bad! The attack was unprovoked, Oliver wasn't...

"How...bad?" Maurice managed to grunt the words between his guttural clicks. Maurice never used his voice and the sheer base of its tone made even Caesar take notice.

Rocket wrinkled his nose and snorted, rocking his body back and forth in annoyance. Face bloody...tooth knocked out...and...hurting chest, he signed between his rocks.

Caesar outwardly calmed himself down, but his insides were growing hotter all the time. An ape did not attack a fellow ape without reason, especially if said ape was his son. He had taught him to only show violence in protection of his family. This was uncalled for.

" son now?" Caesar said softly.

Rocket scratched behind his ear and looked over his left shoulder, then turned his eyes back to the ground before he pointed up to Caesar's redwood.

Caesar made a second move to leave and was once again stopped by Maurice. Growing irritated at the orangutan's constant hindrance, Caesar turned down to him in anger, only to be met with the worried, almost sad eyes of his friend.

Maurice needed no words, vocal or otherwise, for Caesar knew what he was trying to tell him. Don't be too harsh.

Caesar gave his red-haired friend an appreciative smile and left them, climbing up the tree to speak with his son.

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