Ten ;;

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I wake up in dingy old room. This isn't where I was supposed to be but it is what I have been cursed to.

I can't remember when I got here, or even how. All I know is that the savaged beast known has Edward hasn't even brought me a meal yet and I've been in this ratted room for ages.

When the door finally opens I quickly look up from where I have been placed. I was tied to a single chair with my hands behind my back.

"Here. I could smell how hungry you were." Edward said.

I was confused how he could tell I was hungry just by smelling me from another room, but I didn't think of this when I blurted out, "How do you expect me to eat like this?"

"I'll untie you, but just for now." Edward says as he goes behind me to untie me.

I would try to fight back now, but why even try? There's no point. Im so weak against him.

I gobble the food down as soon as my wrists are set free. Soon after Edward hands me a bottle with some liquid in it. It seemed like water but smelled funny.

"Drink it. It wont kill you." Edward tells me.

I honestly didn't care what he said, I was so thirsty. I drink down all the liquid quickly and soon start to feel woozy.

"Sleep. You will awaken in about three hours." Is what I hear before I pass out.




All I saw was red. It was like I had a fire inside of me as I released it against the first tree I saw when the troops told me that they lost him. I kicked the tree so hard it went limp, and when I did it a second time it fell over.

"We wont get anywhere with anger. Steve! Assemble a meeting with the major corporations this instant!" Niall yells at one of our workers.

He runs off the go retrieve the people as me and my brothers head towards the meeting room in the castle.

I could everyone was holding back their wolves as hard as they could. I have never seen them this angry before.

Once we reach the meeting room, I see that most of the people were here already. But I was impatient and did not want to wait for the others.

"Fellow friends. We all know how much your mates mean to you, and you all understand how furious we are right now but we need your help. It will take all of us to go against the monster we're going after." I tell them.

"For we are about to go against the Vampires. The savaged beasts have once again started up a controversy and we will finish it. It will take all of our species to fight. If we do this right, we can get rid of them for good. So who's with me?" I ask.

Instantly all hands go up. It had been a while since the last war and the people were beginning to get hungry for revenge. But I was no longer thirsty for revenge, I needed it...


Im so sorry it took so long to update. I've been dealing with a lot lately and have just felt lost, but I'm better now.


The Quadtruplet Princes... ;; Zianourry {Louis Centric}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant