Thirteen //

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I'm heading towards Levi's office, I hope he'll say yes.

*knock knock*

"Name and business !" 

"It's me, (y/n)" 

"Come in."

I enter, Levi is -as usual- doing paperwork.

"Levi ?" I ask twiddling my fingers.

"What is it ?" 

"Would you come with me to the city center please ?" I flutter my lashes and make puppy eyes.


"Whyyyyyyyyy" I whine stomping my foot on the ground like a child throwing a tantrum.

He doesn't even look up. Now I'm mad.

I pout and rush to him.
I cup his face with my hands and look at him straight in the eyes.

There is no way I'm going by myself. Plus, I want a date with him.

"Please !"


"Please !"


"PLEASE LEVIIIIIII" I whine, faking crying. I shake him by his shoulders.
"If you don't come with me I'll stop talking to you."

"I'm your corporal you can't do that."

"Try me." I furrow my brows and purse my lips.

He sighs. "Ugh, okay."

I let out a big smile, and grab his hand. 


On the way out, Levi grabs his coat and a scarf. Then we go outside and jump into a carriage.

"What do you want to do out there anyway ?" He asks rolling his eyes. 

I rub the back of my neck.

"U-uh I've got to buy presents for the kids in my orphanage." 

He raises his brows, "That's nice."

I smile and look down rather shy.
I love the kids of the orphanage more than anything. They don't deserve what is happening to them, they're innocent. It's my duty to make them happy, even if my whole salary goes away.

We arrive at the city center about 20 minutes after.

I get out of the carriage and the cold harshly hit my body, making me shiver, "Wow, it's really cold out here." I state, shaking.

Suddenly, something soft falls around my neck. Levi is putting his scarf around it. "Is it better now ?" He asks rather stoic.

I snuggled to it and nod, with a big smile playing across my face.
I can smell his heady scent on the fabric. I'll never give it back.

We begin to walk. 

Should I take he's hand? I kinda want to. But what if he finds it childish and annoying? We're not even a couple yet, or...are we?

After a few minutes internaly debating with myself, I finally intertwine my fingers with his.
His hand is so soft and warm, I want to bring it to my cheek and snuggle to it like a cat.
What am I saying again??

You want to know what happen after the ball?
Well uuuh, I spend the night with Levi, we danced, we talked, he was really open and warm this night. And yeah, I drop Marco, and I feel so terrible about this. But I saw him talking to another girl so I guess it's okay. Right?

Scars | Levi x Reader fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang