Five //

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I wake up by the chirps of the birds. I put myself in a sitting position and stretch. I let out a big yawn and head to the bathroom. I shower, brush me teeth and pee.

After another five minutes of struggle against the buckles of my uniform,
- jeez, I'll never get used to it- I brush out my soft and shiny (h/c) hair and go down to the mess hall. Yeah I love my hair.

On the way to it, Hanji appears from behind me. "Hey, sleeping beauty ! Last one ready once again hehehe!"

"it's not my fault Corporal, I can't get used to those buckles on our uniforms."
Hanji chuckles. 

"Hey, what's that in your pocket ?" She says while pulling out a piece of cloth. "OH MY GOD  ! That's Levi handkerchief!" She says rather excited.
"Hey ! Give it back to me !" I squeak desperately. 

Hanji rises up the cloth in the air. "Come catch it tiny you!" She giggles.

I scowl and punch her in the stomach, catching the fabric as she leans forwards to hold her belly.

"How dare you hit one of your superiors" she says coughing.

I shake my head and continue my way to the dining area.

When I enter I immediately encounter Levi's gaze and instantly face the floor. 

I walk very quickly to a random table and sit down. 

I look in front of me bluntly, not noticing Eren and his friends sitting with me.
"What's the matter (y/n)?" he tilts his head.

I don't answer.

Jean sits in front of me. "Hello again pretty." He purrs. "You're looking good today, wanna go hang out somewhere?" He wiggles his eyebrows and I roll my eyes. Will he quit hitting on me or I have to pop his eyes out?

Someone suddenly slams Jean's face onto the hard wooden table. I look up and my eyes widen. It is Levi harshly pressing Jean's face onto the table.

He approaches his face to Jean, "Why don't you quit trying to stick your tiny dick of yours inside every goddamn holes in this place ?"

I gasp and burst out laughing. 

Levi looks up at me and I instantly stop my laugh.

Levi removes his hand off of Jean's head and cleans it with a napkin. "Get some food, brat." He orders me.

When everyone had finish their meal, Levi stood up and screamed : "CHORE TIME DIPSHITS!"

"Ugh..." Everybody sighs

Levi violently slams his fist on the table and the whole room immediately stands up and  runs towards the room where the cleaning products are stored.

I started cleaning the dining area with Jean and Eren. They're arguing for some reason at but I didn't care.

I was humming a song my mom used to sing when I was little.

I finish cleaning the windows, "I'm off to the meeting room guys!" I shout. They don't notice me and keep arguing.

In the meeting room, Marco is already moping the floor.

"Hi, (y/n)" he greets, whipping away the sweat on his forehead.
"Hi." I reply with a soft smile.

We were chit chatting and laughing during the one hour of intense cleaning. Marco's a really sweet guy.

"Do you want to take a break and go outside for a little bit?" He asks with a shy voice while putting away the feather duster.

"Why not."

We are leaning on the wall, still chit chatting.

Suddenly, he goes in front of me, "I've got a really funny story to tell you !" He says rather excited.
Then he starts his story, while doing big gesture and weird faces. I am laughing so hard, I'm almost in tears. I even violently patted Marco's chest at some point.

Levi appears from the distance, with his brows furrowed. Oh shit. He doesn't like when we take breaks while cleaning, he's a total freak about that.

He finally arrives and pulls me away from Marco.

"Hey, what's going on Corporal?" I ask smiling.

"What were you doing here ?" He asks with an angry voice.

"Calm down, we were just taking little break." I answer, rolling my eyes.

"There is no time for a break, now get back to work. Alone." He orders rather coldly.

J roll my eyes once again and starts going away. But Levi catches me by the arm, "I don't see you saluting very often."

"Well I'm not into formal things, okay."

"You're in the Survey Corps now, so you better get used to formal things." He states rather coldly.

I violently yank away his arm.

"So what ?!" I hiss rather angry. "I didn't ask to be there, I didn't volunteer ! This is fucking hell around here ! We do the exact same shit over and over again every fucking day : exercising, cleaning, eating, sleeping ! For what ?! Go outside to kill fucking monsters ?! Fearing for our life at every second, thinking that you may not see your family again ? Risking your life for people that don't even deserve it ? I'd rather be dead than being here !"

"Then why don't you slit you're veins already ? It's not like someone will miss you anyway." He says with an iced cold voice.

An expression of disgust appears on my face. I look at Levi for some seconds and slowly walk away.

Levi just clicks his tongue.

"Get back to work little shit." He commends to Marco with a monotone voice.

It's 7:30 P.M and everybody is already in the mess hall enjoying their meal.

Eren is chewing on his food with a look of confusion in his eyes.

"Where's (y/n) ?" He snaps.

Mikasa, Armin, Jean and Sacha look at each other in a way to ask "Do you know?".

But no one knows.

Eren stands up and heads to the entry of the mess hall.

"Where are you going, shitty brat ?"

"I'm going to (y/n)'s dorm to ask her why she isn't coming down there." He replies.

Levi clicks his tongue and continues sipping on his tea.

After a few minutes, Eren finally arrives to my dorm.

Suddenly, a screeching scream fills the HQ up.

Mikasa, Armin, Hanji and Levi immediately stand up and rush towards my room.

Eren is kneeling down, shocked, with his mouth agape and freaky eyes.

Levi's eyes widened in terror.

"OH MY DEAR GOD" Hanji screams while running to me.

I am lying in my bed, my bedsheets and clothes soaked in blood.

Hanji touches my pulse, "She's still alive !"

She grabs me in her arms and runs to the infirmary.

She put bandages around my wrists and attaches me to a blood perfusion.

"Wi-will she be okay ?" Armin stutters.

"I hope so." Hanji breathes out.


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