Dungeon Chapter 2 - What Lies Below

Start from the beginning

Pulling the shield free of the belt, Link raised his shield up as he made his way towards the center spider. As Link got closer, the skulltula dropped from its web and reared its front two legs like spears, exposing its hissing mandibles and pincers. Link felt his legs wanting to go backwards as he stared at the venomous maw of the spider, but he stood fast.

Long legs outstretched, the skulltula reached above Link's head. As it reached further up and further, Link remembered the advice of the disc. He swiped his sword up, cutting across the belly of the beast. Smoke began eeking out of the gash before the entire thing turned to dust.

Three things fell from the space where the skulltula had been. The first was a large gem with a green hue. The second was miniture version of the leg the spider had had. The third was a glowing, red heart. Fortunately, just the shape of a heart, not a real human heart. Still, Link eyed it suspiciously. "What are these?"

"The spoils of war, Link Sayre."

Link winced reflexively. War? "Can you be more specific?"

"The Hylian currency, a trophy of your enemy, and a collection of healing energies. Collect them, you will need them on your quest."

"And carry them where?" Link asked, emptying his pockets out. As his wallet tumbled out into the open, it suddenly expanded into a large bag. Link grabbed at the object as it transformed, but was too late to stop it. His face went pale as he stared at the empty bag. "I'm dead for losing that card." He eyed the gemstone. That might make it up to his parents.

As Link tucked the green gem into his new wallet, the Restoration went on, "You will need another pack for your treasures." Before Link could protest, his satchel dropped through the air. Link grabbed at it, cracking it open to make sure it was emptied. He blinked, looking up at the ceiling. "How did you get this?"

"I relocated it from its previous location."

It was the same. Link's binder, laptop, and textbooks were still inside. Yet as Link stared into the bag, there was something different about it. He could see his belongings inside, but they were relocated somehow, in a way he couldn't place. It was like the spaces inside were shifting into spaces that didn't exist.

Cautiously, Link grabbed the spider leg and stuck it into the pack. As he did, he watched it move to another space than where he had placed it. "What did you do to it?"

"Improved it," the Restoration answered. "You will need many things in your quest, Hero. You cannot be burdened with weight or packing. I am happy to say that I was able to make this enchantment permanent. I am still working on sealing these magics on your other possessions."

"No rush," Link muttered, turning towards one of the other skulltulas. Maybe that meant he would get his old wallet back. "Why aren't there any other doors in here?" Link asked, surveying the room.

"The temple is still being rebuilt. I have nearly finished the preparations. You will be able to continue shortly."

"Again, no rush," Link said as the second skulltula dropped in front of him. This one wasn't going to make it as easy to hit its underbelly. Link sidestepped the spider's front legs as the skulltula swung them both forward. As he moved to bash his shield against the monster's side, the floor beneath him started to rumble. Staggered, Link raised his shield in front of him. At least for the moment, the skulltula was stunned too.

Around him, the walls began to move. Not the wall where the door was, but all the other three walls. They began to sink into the floor until they were merged with the floor, leaving Link in a far more open space. Instead of a small rectangular space, he was in one big circular room with a pit in the center.

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