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// saltyfries, yamagucchi, nishitwatup, miruku, pan, dadchi, sugamama, ryutheday, ennoshita, kazuhitonyou and mynameskinooo joined the chat \\

sugamama: did you all have fun at the festival

miruku: kageyama and I got goldfish

pan: they're called Banana and Bob

pan: Hinata named them obviously

mynameskinooo: well

mynameskinooo: narita kissed me during the firework display

mynameskinooo: but accidentally spilt his ice cream lolololol

sugamama: well I'm glad you two are making process

mynameskinooo: me too

mynameskinooo: he asked me out too :)

sugamama: what did you say

mynameskinooo: I gave him my ice cream

mynameskinooo: and then told him I liked him a lot

sugamama: omg

sugamama: I'm a proud mom

mynameskinooo: so him and I are kind of a thing now...

sugamama: we'll all support you two!

pan: I ship it so much

miruku: did you get matching goldfish

kazuhitonyou: I freaking wish

mynameskinooo: we could name them Gordon and Ramsay

kazuhitonyou: Ramsay is not a good name for fish


Sorry it took me a while to update this chapter and that it's super short. I've just recently been feeling really low. It's my birthday soon and I'm hosting a cosplay meet, but I've already been hurt four times by it in the last week and the meet hasn't even happened.

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