Chapter Twenty Seven- Derek

Start from the beginning

"Oh god I'm so sorry" I hear the guy apologise sincerely as he hangs his mouth open in shock. The guy looks a little older than me with dark hair, very tall and bulky with piercing green eyes. He's Fucking hot.

"You've got to be kidding me" I mutter under my breath as I hold the wet shirt away from my skin trying to dab it a little to know avail.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even see you" he says again and I smile.

"Uh- no it's fine honestly" I try tell him when actually my day couldn't be going any worse right now.

"I'm Derek-" he says and I nod as I shake his hand politely.

"You must be new I've never seen you here before" I say making him frown a little.

"Oh actually I'm here for my brother he got into some trouble and it's a long story as to why I'm here but no I don't go here" he says and I nod as he points to moody looking guy a notice before in the corner.

"Oh right sorry" I say trying not to laugh at his brother. They look very similar.

"I didn't catch your name" he says as I'm about to walk away from him.

"I'm Amy" I tell him and he smiles. Why is he so hot? What the actual hell?

"Well I'm really sorry about before maybe I could make it up to you sometime?" He says with a a cheeky grin on his lips making me smile.

"Sure, find my number and I'm sure we can plan something" I say as I back away from him.

"Or you could just give me it..." he shouts over to me from across the reception earning dirty looks from the receptionist.

"A little graft never hurt anyone" I say to him and I see he smiles as I turn to walk away from him. Sometimes it's better to have boys chasing you rather than just giving into them so easily. Well actually how can I say that after what happened with Harry?


We haven't really seen each other a lot since the other day. He texted me a few times but we never got really round to talking. I've been so busy at work lately at the bar doing extra shifts because I'm trying to pay for a flight home to see my parents when they get back from there cruise. I've seen him in the halls a few times but he's always with Klaus and it's too risky talking to him in front of him. I'm starting to miss Harry in a way though and especially after the other day I feel like that first kiss obviously wasn't just a random kiss if it happened again and went further. I can't help but think about how he makes me feel and how good he was to me. He's not the same person I thought he was a few months ago for sure. I still haven't told anyone about anything that's happened between us recently not even Jade even though she's very skeptical about my behaviour. I don't know if Harry had told anyone but I don't think he would risk Klaus finding out to be honest. Harry wasn't in Mrs Edwards class before and neither was Klaus, they probably bunked off together. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone rings.


"Hey what's up?" I answer the phone.

"Dinner tonight you in?" She says and I smile. Food? Of course I'm in.

"Yeah of course where?" I ask.

"Our's, we are going to order a tonne of shit for Niall's birthday all the lads have agreed but it's a surprise so don't say anything" she tells me and I nod.

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