Bar Brawl//Tom

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You are awoken early on a Saturday morning by the ringing of your cell phone beside your bed.  You groan.  Without lifting your face from beneath your mountains of blankets, you grab your phone and click it on.  It's 7:32 a.m.  It's an unknown number, but you hit the answer button anyway.



You pull up in front of the local police station in your y/c (your car).  You sigh as you lean your head back against the seat and close your eyes.  You hadn't even bothered to change out of your pajamas.  You left your apartment in such a hurry you only had time to throw on a jacket and boots.  Taking a deep breath, you step out of the warmth of your car and into the cold February air.  The morning is still and quiet.  Probably because anyone in their right mind would still be asleep at this ungodly hour.  The sun is just beginning to rise casting a sort of glow onto the snow covered ground.  You enter the station and go over to a dark haired woman dressed in uniform.  

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Tom Holland and Harrison Osterfield."  You say tiredly.   The woman jerks her head to her left.  Emerging from a long hallway is Tom and Harrison accompanied by a male police officer.  They look terrible.  Tom's left wrist is wrapped in a bandage; his lip is purple and swollen.  Harrison is wearing a pair of black sunglasses which you can only expect is hiding a black eye.  Both boys are limping profusely.  You don't say anything, instead you glare and stomp out the police station doors.  You could feel them glancing at each other behind you, a bit scared by your obvious anger.  You reach the car before them.  As you stare straight ahead, not wanting to make eye contact, you hear Tom climb into the passenger seat, and Harrison get in back.  You don't start the car, but don't say anything.  

"Y/n...I-,"  Tom begins but you cut him off.

"What the hell were you two thinking?!" You deadpan.  The boys remain silent.  "You weren't, you weren't thinking."  You start the car and pull out of the police station parking lot.  Not one word was said for most of the way home.  However, at the corner of 178th st & Herrows avenue Tom finally works up the courage to speak.

"I'm really, really sorry about this y/n," he says as you pull away from the now green stoplight.  You roll your eyes.  Through the rear-view mirror you can see Harrison's eyes darting back and forth between Tom and you.  "I mean it," he persists.

"Just-," you sigh in an obviously exhausted tone, "what  happened?"  Tom looks back at Harrison.  You pull your car over to a side street and park.  You unbuckle your seat belt and turn in your seat so your facing Tom.  "Explain."

"Okay," he nods.  "Last night we went to a pub, the one on 32nd street.  

"So far I'm following."

"Well there was this guy there, being a complete jerk (for lack of a better word.)"

"Really arrogant and disrespectful," Harrison adds in quickly.  You send him a look.

"He was drunk of course, well we were all a little drunk."  He mutters the last part under his breath.  

"Thanks for stating the obvious," you glare.  Tom bites his lip.

"Anyway he was messing with this girl-,"

"-Woman," Harrison corrects.

"Right, Harrison fancies her a bit."  Tom says, and you suppress a grin.  "but yeah he was messing with her, you know, saying vulgar things; bothering her."

"So you started a bar fight with him?"

"Well actually he kinda started it with us," Harrison says.

"We told him to lay off, and he went all crazy on us," Tom explains,  "flipping tables, throwing punches."      

The boys study your face, looking for a reaction.  After a while you turn back toward the steering wheel and buckle your seat belt.  

"Your not driving us back to prison, are you?"  Says Harrison in his jokingly alarmed voice.  Against your will, you smile a bit.

"No, I'm afraid not."  You reach over and place your hand on the corner of Tom's chin, examining his fat lip.  You pout sympathetically.  "We better get some ice on that."  You then lean over a kiss him a bit roughly, right on the bruised part.  He whimpers in pain a bit.  You pull away from him and start the car.  Though it had hurt he smiles a bit at the kiss.  You pull away from the curb, not sure whether you are peeved by the boys immaturity or proud of their charming heroics.


Thanks for reading!!!! Please vote/comment!!!!  Please request ideas! I love reading them!!!


SPIDER-BOY  {a collection of Tom Holland imagines}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя