Partners Part 2//Peter

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Peter's P.O.V

Dang.  She is amazing.  Smart, funny, beautiful, fearless...the list goes on.  Breathe. Peter just stay cool.

2nd Person P.O.V

You go over to the brick wall that is the back of the bank.  

"We're going in through the roof,"  you turn toward Peter who is leaning against the wall trying to look cool.  "You can get us up there right?"  He looks up at the tall, white brick building.

"Yep should be no problem," his mask nods.  You step over to Peter a little closer than normal.  He looks at you his spider eyes wide.  

"Well come on," you grab his arm and throw it around your waist.

"Right," he pulls you closer, and shoots a web at the adjacent wall.  You soar up into the air stopping when Peter's feet hit the wall.  He then shoots another web across the ally.  Back and forth you go, swinging higher each time.  Heights never bothered you, in fact you rather like the freedom.  All too soon your feet hit the pavement of the roof.  You hadn't realized until now, but your head is resting on Peter's strong chest.  You look up into those black eyes, and imagine his brown ones looking back through them at you.  His head looks rounder in the mask, less defined, but still boyishly handsome.  If you can even tell that sorta thing with a spandex suit covering said head.

"uhh y/n?" Your name breaks you from your thoughts.

"Sorry what?" You blush profusely.

"Is that our way in?" He nods toward a glass sky window popping out from the roof.  

"Yeah," you step back out of Peter's hold.  He follows you over to the window.  It shows down to the lobby to the bank.  One of the male robbers stands near the door, gun in hand.  The other man has a crowd of people lined up against a wall; instead of a gun, he has a rather large knife.  It's the woman that is really running the show though.  She has her gun directed toward the teller who is shoving money into a canvas bag.  "Okay," you face Peter  "we're going to try not to kill anybody."

"What?" he squeaks.  You chuckle at his voice crack.  Even without seeing his face you can tell that the idea of killing absolutely horrifies him.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," you say, yet he continues to stare at you.   You give him a grave but trusting look.  Despite your earlier attitude about the robbery you know that it could be a potentially dangerous situation.  You need to trust that your partner has your back,  and that you have theirs.  You pull your gun out from your jacket and place the barrel against against the window.  It is aimed in the direction of the woman and the teller.

"Woah, wait I thought we said we aren't going to kill anyone!" Peter says frantically.  You don't respond.  Instead you pull the trigger.  The bullet goes through the glass, cracking the bit around the bullet hole, but not shattering the whole window.  People scream and look around for the source of the gunshot.  The bullet hits just a bit to the right of the female robber.  It misses her by an inch.  She dives away from it, landing hard on the marble floor.  The teller ducks behind his desk.  

"We aren't," you smile proudly at how perfectly precise your aim was.  "You take the man with the knife, I got the woman."  Hopefully the man at the doors would hesitate long enough for you to take him down as well.  You shoot a few more bullets at the glass making it shatter.  Shards rain down on the screaming hostages.  Without you even saying anything Peter wraps his arm around you.  Together you jump through the broken window and down to the bank.  As you fall, Peter shoots a web toward the bank ceiling.  The pair of you land gracefully on the cool floor.  

"It's y/s/h/n! (your super hero name)  yells an obnoxious man from the wall.  "But whose the guy?"  

"I'm Spider-man!"  Peter shouts obviously offended.  You look over at him and chuckle.  Through your side vision you see the woman getting back up.  You turn.  She stands with her gun trained on you.  You smirk.  The robber pulls the trigger, but her aim is sloppy.  The bullet goes over you shoulder.  You barrel forward.  Before she even has time to react, you slap the gun out of her hand.  You knock her over.  In two seconds flat she is on the ground beneath your foot. You kick her in the ribs roughly, registering her immobile.  You pull out your knife and kneel next to her.  

"Who are you working for?" You say, your blade to her neck.  The woman opens her mouth about to answer, but before the words can hit you, a brute force does instead.  Your body cries as you hit the nearby wall.  You open your clenched eyes to see a big nosed man, the one that was originally guarding the door, starring down at you.  The man throws a fist down at you, but your quicker.  You move your head out of the way.  Your trapped beneath him.  The male robber moves his rather large hands to your neck.  You feel your lungs contract as he begins to squeeze. Your knife had fallen out of your hand when he tackled you.  The hand gun was still in your jacket pocket, but you are unable to reach it.  You are left completely defenseless.  Black flashes across you vision.  You close your eyes in defeat.  This is where it ends.  Your happy that you got to say goodbye to your dad earlier that day.  Then suddenly the weight is lifted off your body.  Your neck is released and you are left gasping for air.  You hesitantly open your eyes a bit worried you're already dead.  The robber that had attacked you was suspended against the wall by a white web.  You sit up coughing, relieved that oxygen has returned to your lungs.  There on the other side of you is Spider-man.  

"You alright there y/l/n?"  He asks, arrogance littering his tone.

"Don't-  flatter  yourself-  Parker," you say between coughs.  "I had the situation under control."

"Whatever you say,"  Peter crosses the room and offers his hand to help you up.  You roll your eyes, but you accept his help anyways.  Standing, you survey the room.  The female robber is still on the ground where you left her but now has a rope of web around her.  The robber that used to have the knife was unconscious on the ground.  A gun is plastered to the wall, you assume it's the one that had belonged to the robber that had tackled you.  You step away from Peter, and grab your knife off the ground.  All the hostages had already fled the scene so it is just Peter, you, and the robbers.  You hear sirens in the distance.  The police had at last shown up.  

"Hey y/n?" Peter's voice quivers a bit as he pulls off his mask.  You turn toward him and against your will, you smile.  


"I was um- I was just wondering if maybe you would like to..."  He rubs the back of his neck and takes a deep breath.  " go with me to my homecoming next weekend."

"I- sure," you grin a bit nervously "I would love to."  His dopey smile reaches from ear to ear.  You walk over to him.  The police are now nearing the doors.  

"Now get us outta here Spider-boy."  He beams, as he puts his arm around you waist.  Peter shoots a web toward the ceiling window.  Together you fly upward just as the police enter the bank.


So originally when I started writing these imagines I decided I wasn't going to write anything over 1000 words, but whatever it's fine.  Thanks for reading!


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