Moving Day//Tom

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"Tom, can you grab the last box?" You yell over your shoulder into your apartment.

"Yeah!" An English voice shouts back. You smile to yourself as you begin walking down the hallway.  After weeks of hinting at it, Tom had finally asked you to move in with him.  You reach the elevator and hit the DOWN button.  The box is getting heavy so you set it down, and when the elevator doors open you kick it in. As the doors begin to close you hear the same voice shouting for you to wait. You put a foot between the doors forcing them back open. Tom jogs in, carrying a box labeled CLOTHES.

"Hey," you say.

"I can't believe we're finally doing this," he sets down the box. Tom snakes his arm around your waist and pulls you close. You put your hands behind his neck. Breathing in his fresh aftershave scent through his dark blue t-shirt.

"Well it took you long enough to ask," you murmur into his chest.

"Better late than never," he kisses your forehead.

You lift your head, his lips now on yours. It is a soft yet meaningful kiss.  All too soon though the doors open. You break apart to see a little blond boy with his mouth wide open in surprise. Tom rubs the back of his neck.

"uh...sorry," you say leaning over to pick up the box. You struggle slightly to pick it up.

"Here love," Tom reaches down and helps you lift the box up. "You got it?" He makes sure it's steady in your arms before picking up his own. Together you hurry out of the elevator a little embarrassed.  You look back at the little boy, Tom and you laugh as he is still looking shocked after you.

"Poor kid, we've ruined him."

The two of you step out of apartment building and into the rainy April weather.


Finally, after hours of work, all your stuff is unpacked and positioned in the appropriate places around Tom's (and yours now) apartment.  Some of your pictures now line the bookshelf or end tables.  A vase of flowers are perched on the small round table.  Half of the closet is filled with your clothes and half the fridge with your food.  It was your home as well as Tom's now.  

You pull the microwave popcorn out and throw it on the nearby counter to prevent your hands from burning.  You carefully dump it into a bowl and head back into the living room.  Tom is sprawled out on the couch.  When he sees you enter he hits play, and The Impossible begins.  Tom scoots back to make room for you, as you sit in front of him on the couch.  

"I cannot believe that you talked me into this," Tom groans at the movie as he takes a piece of popcorn.

"Oh come on,"  you snuggle a bit closer to his chest "you were adorable."

"Were?"  He looks down at you, eyebrows raised.

"Are."  You lift your head and give him a quick, reassuring peck.

As the movie plays on, you hear light snores coming from behind you.  You set down the popcorn bowl and lay so your head is resting on Tom limp arm.  For the first night in your shared apartment Tom and you sleep through the night on the couch.  In the morning you wake to sunlight streaming through the window and the smell of pancakes.        

Hey, the writing isn't very good in this one either, but as I said before these are just suppose to be short and simple. Anyway I'll also be taking requests, so if you have an idea put it in the comments.  Thanks for reading!  BYE!

SPIDER-BOY  {a collection of Tom Holland imagines}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora