Your Hero//Peter

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You walk along dark streets of Queens. Cars still rush past you even though it's after midnight. You look down at your slightly tattered y/f/c dress. Homecoming didn't exactly go as planned for you. Your date, Jared, and you went to this after party. Long story short the cops showed up and Jared (and his car) were no where to be found. You followed a couple of other party goers into a small wood (hence the ripped dress) behind the suburban house. Eventually you made it back to the main road, flipped off your rather uncomfortable shoes, and began to walk. You would have called your mom, but she was in Brooklyn at a work banquet of some sort for her new boyfriend, Tony. ;);)

You turn down the ally that leads toward your apartment. Walking through a dark ally alone at night might sound stupid, but the only other way home is to walk down three more blocks. You are a bit nervous so you click on your phone to see that Jared had not yet responded to any of your frantic text messages or phone calls. You brush your y/h/c over your shoulder and shiver a bit in the chilly, early October night.  In the dim light from your phone you see a shadow shift next to a dark dumpster. In alarm you immediately begin to jog toward the end of the ally. Unfortunately you see several shapes about fifteen feet in front of you blocking your path. You stop, a breath catches in your throat. The air seems suddenly colder and your heart beat speeds up. The figures move closer. You turn and run for the other end of the ally but that as well is blocked. You now stand between the two groups of people about twenty-five feet from each of them.

"Hey there," says a greasy, male voice from your right.

"What is a pretty young thing like you doin' down our ally this late at night?" You hear another raspy voice call from next to the first man.

Many of the people snicker. You don't say anything. You can't force a scream out of your dry, scratchy throat They continuously close in. Closer and closer. There must've been at least two dozen of them, all surrounding you. They were only a few feet away. You back up against the cool brick wall.

"Now I suggest you come quietly," another male voice sneers near your ear. You shrink away from his sour breath. Shifting over a step the rough brink smoothes out. A door. You find the doorknob.

"I don't think we'll have an issue," the greasy voice from before snickers.

"Yeah your not the most head strong girl ar-,"

You had taken advantage of the noise and you had burst backward through the door before he had even finished his sentence. Behind the door was a long, lighted hallway. You shoot down it, running so fast you think your legs might fall off.  Behind you hear shouts as the people clamber after you. Then you suddenly notice that you legs have stopped. It is almost as though you were floating in mid-air. A purple glow surrounds the area around you. You are again are frozen in fear, literally frozen. Slowly the hallway begins to move forward.  No, your going backward. Back to your captors. You are shattered. You had been so close. You manage to turn your head slightly to see a man. He has dark hair slicked back and a broad nose. In his hand was a very large gun from which purple rays were exploding, dragging you back. The man drops the gun dropping you with it. You hit the grungy, carpeted ground hard, landing on your hip. Two other men grab you by the arms and holds your struggling body firmly down.

"I suppose it was wrong for us to underestimate you, huh?" Says the man with the gun. You recognize his as the greasy voice. He takes a step closer, now nose to nose. "What's your nam-."

Just as before, he is cut off. He falls forward. A swinging flash of red comes to a stop in front of you. There standing in a red and blue spandex suit, with a mask over his face, was a lean but muscular man. Spider-man.

It happens all at once. He shoots webs at the two men holding you . They fly back into the wall. The rest of the "gang" members lose their nerve and most run away. The unfortunate ones who stay webbed in some way until eventually they are all on the ground. Spider-man turns to you.

"Alright there?" His voice is soft and sweet like honey.

"Uh..yeah," your voice quivers. You don't have a scratch on you. Besides being a bit weak from the bizarre purple rays, you feel no different externally than you did before. Internally ,of course, was a much different story. God knows what could've just happened to you. You try your best not to cry, you've always prided yourself on your resilience. The strange spider eyes continue to studie you though and after a raging battle, your tears win out. You cross your arms over your stomach in attempt to comfort the aching, bottomless pit.  Spider-man steps carefully over to you, and you don't decline when he wraps his strong arms around your trembling body. You attempt to speak. To explain yourself. Unfortunately, all that comes out is pitiful whimpers.

"Shhhhh it's okay," his soothing voice coos from his mask and into your messy hair. The two of you stand there for a while, just embracing each other. If it had been anyone else it might have been awkward, but this was the guy that just saved your life.

"Thank you," is all you manage to say.

"No problem."

And even though you can't see it, you can feel a small smile creep up his lips.


That's right I wrote a Tom Holland Imagine. I have zero shame. I know it was sorta crappy writing but this is just suppose to be some fun stuff that is not super stressful and detailed for me to write. Just deal with it. More moments with Tom/Peter coming soon!  Please vote/comment!!! Please request ideas in comments!


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