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Waking up the next day, I felt warm. Maybe it was the fact it was finally Saturday, or maybe for I had just woken up on the right side of the bed. Or maybe it was the fact that a small Irish man had his head buried into my chest as I held him close. I smiled sleepily, running my fingers through his dark green hair. Jack made me feel things I didn't normally feel...

I didn't want to move and possibly wake him up, so I took the time to admire his room. His walls were a light gray, and various posters of rock bands I had never heard of littered the walls, along with drawing of the same green and blue eye. He was pretty messy, clothes strewn across the floor along with various other objects and a collection of wrappers sat in his desk where his computer set up was.

I sighed, sinking into the bed as I watched his ceiling fan go round and round.

"Hmm," Jack snuggled against my chest and I chuckled. He was pretty cute.

My mind instantly went back to last night.

My cheeks lit up, and I looked away from the sleeping teenage boy. Had we really almost kissed? I can remember his cheeks turning bright red in the dim lighting. His stuttering, me so close to him that I could feel his warm breath hitting my lips.

The feeling was...electric.

"...M-Mark?" I looked down at Jack as he moved off me, rubbing his eyes.

I chuckled, his hair was ruffled and he yawned. "Morning sleepy head."

Jack put down his hands, looking at my chest where his head had laid with a tired, half-awake expression.

"I need coffee."

I sat up, rolling my head to crack my neck. "Lucky you, the Coffee Spoon is only a two minute walk from here."

After Jack got dressed and I threw on some shoes, we left the house. The air was cool and refreshing, and the sky was cloudy. Jack and I walked together, him nice and awake now. We walked in comfortable silence, and soon reached the coffee shop.

Once inside, I was greeted by the lovely sound of an indie band and enveloped in the smell of banana bread. Jack strolled in, and I followed him, looking at the records that lined the walls. Jack walked up to the boy at the counter, who wore a gray shaggy crop top and had long hair, dyed green at the ends. "Hey Jack, what can I get ya?"

"Pablooooo! My dude!" It was clear Jack and Pablo were old pals. "One dark coffee and-" he looked over at me.

I looked at Pablo, "uh, same."

Pablo nodded, finger gunning us. "Cool, go ahead and take a seat."

Jack grabbed my hand, and I walked with him over to a couch. We sat down, and I instantly sank into the cushions. Jack giggled, looking at me. "What?"

He shook his head with a smile, pulling his phone from his pocket to scroll through whatever. "Comfy?"

I grinned, closing my eyes. "Don't mock my comfort."

"You two seemed pretty comfortable last night." Jacks and I instantly sat up, looking behind us and groaning.

Arin, Danny, and Evan all stood behind us. Arin and Evan smirking as usual, and Danny just observing from the back. Jack tucked away his phone. "Good morning guys, how are you?"

"Delighted that we get to expose you two and your fucking relati-"

"Shush, Evan." Arin cut him off, crossing his arms.

I rolled my eyes. Standing up and walking around the couch. Jack followed me in tow, clearly nervous. "What is he talking about?" I mumbled, annoyed. I sighed, "Guys, can we just have one morning to ourselves?"

Arin grinned, stepping closer to me. "Same clothes as yesterday, huh." He jabbed me in the chest with his finger.

I shrugged. "My fashion choices don't matter, do they?"

Evan, who clearly couldn't handle the wait, stepped forward. "Danny saw you two last night!"

"Evan!" Danny stood up straight, pulling him back.

"'Ohhhh Jack! I believe in you~!' Mwah mwah mwah!" Evan made kissy noises as jacks face instantly turned a bright red.

"I-It wasn't like that," I said, clenching my jaw. "And even if it was, that's our personal business."

Arin scowled. "You made it our business when you started hanging all over Jack like some pesky fly." I glared at him, realizing I instinctively had a hand out to hand Jack back. "Ever since then, he hasn't been able to make any time to pay up."

"Pay up?"

Arin grinned, "Good boys need to learn that being so fucking perfect all the time comes with consequences."

Jack grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "Mark, can we just-"

"How big is his dick, Jack?" Evan snarled. "How big?"

"That's enough," I broke free from Jack, and swung my fist, making contact with Evans face. He grunted as his sun glasses fell to the floor. Suddenly everyone was yelling, and I was pulled back by someone a lot stronger than Jack. Danny grabbed both of the boys, pulling them back with surprising strength as he gave me and apologetic look.

I looked away as the person let go of me, and I turned to see Pablo with two to-go cups. "Jesus, kid!"

"He's a piece of shit who deserved much worse than a punch." I snarled, looking at Pablo with fire in my eyes.

"Mark, relax!" The fire instantly went out as I felt soft arms wrap around me in attempts to calm me down. Pablo looked at me with surprised expression when I hanged with the flip of a switch. Ready to tear someone's spine out to warm and protective.

I looked over at Jack, who looked pretty shook. "It's okay, Jack. I'm alright now." Jack looked at me with an unsure expression. I nodded my head, "I'm fine." I ruffled his hair and he chuckled, letting go of me."

"I'm sorry dudes, but Mat isn't gonna be happy about this. He's a chill dude though, I'll explain." Pablo handed us our coffees. "Can you guys just do me a favor and not drop in again today? Tomorrow should be fine though."

"Yeah, that's alright Pablo." Jack said, giving him the peace sign and we made our way to the door. "Sorry for the trouble!" We both stepped outside. "Gosh darn it, Mark."

A/N: See what I did there? Hehe. With the Coffee Spoon? Hehe.

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