Breakdown & Telling

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Y/n pov:
I wake up panting it's a bad dream I groan getting without waking Paul up

I winced feeling my lower half hurting badly I walked to the fountain I sighed

I'm hurting the boys why can't we have a normal day without pain

I feel bad of how I screamed when Dwayne touched me but I thought back to Edgar

I hear a noise I look to see Star I smiled weakly

" How you feeling?" She asked gently I shrugged " numb I guess" I said when the guys get up

I whimpered pulling my legs to my chest I feel exposed

The boys look at me with love and sadness Paul walks to me " doll you have to tell us who did this" he said I shook my head

I got up and ran to the only bedroom in the cave I locked the door

I pant I sobbed feeling the pain and misery I place my hands on the sink one of the boys knock on the door

" Love open the door " David said I sobbed harder he just broke the door down

I whimpered I don't want him to touch me " please tell me who did this" he begged I sighed

David gently place his hands on my back I flinched but sobbed

" E-Edgar " I said he froze " Edgar frog?" He asked I nod " don't do anything " I warned calming down

" Did he rape you?" He asked angry I nod I hugged him tightly shaking

David gasped hugging me back " he needs to pay " he said " just tell his brother Alan then he'll beat him up " I said

I like Alan he's a cool kid but quiet Edgar is the leader of there vampire killers pack

David nodded " w-will you be ok for the others hug you love?" He asked I sighed

Should I ? I love them but I just don't want any males to touch me

It's hurt to let David touch me even Paul

I answer hesitantly " yes " I said he flashed up to the others Star left as the others hugged me tightly

For the first time in a long time they smiled even David

Marko did his grin that he hasn't done since the accident " you still haven't told us about who abused you" Dwayne asked

I sighed cuddling into Paul

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