22. An urgent matter

Start from the beginning

"Damn you! I am not some bitch who tries to snatch another person's man or woman... I just... I just want to know what you really feel, because honestly speaking... I am confused right now."

"Confuse with what?"

Finally, we got out of the traffic jam.

"Confuse with everything... I know I am not a gay. I am not interested with other men. I like women with big boobs... But why am I having this kind of confusion whenever I am with him? Why do I feel agitated every time someone's expressing their adoration of him? Then I will feel elated when he showers me with those annoying corny words. I don't know what to do anymore. I feel ...so lost..."

I put my hand on his shoulder to gently squeeze it while my eyes are on the road. We are basically in the same boat, feeling lost and confused.

"Mingkwan?" I ask.

It takes a minute before he nods.

Ironic isn't it? Not so long ago, we were just trying our best to help our friend to chase after his beloved nong. We even thought that Yo was an engineering magnet for both of the engineering moons were into him, not knowing that we would be entangled in this muddled situation with those two.

Is it our karma for being so meddlesome? 'Cause we have no idea how to get out from it.

"Do you think we should ask Pha about it?" I query as I maneuver the car in the parking lot.

"I already asked. And he just said to not think too much of it... Let the heart do it."

My brow shoots up.

"Does he think he's in some melodrama program or alike for saying it? He's more pathetic back then."

"You're right."

We are chuckling as we alight from my car.

"Do you think we should invite Pha with us?" ~Kit.

"Nah. He's definitely busy cuddling his cute boyfriend," I reply.

We are at the shopping district in Bangkok. As usual, it's bustling with crowd like everyone has the same thought as mine that weekend should be spent outside the four corners of the house. Everywhere we turn, we will be met with a great number of people. We are almost dodging our way. But, it's fine with us because we get to forget those men who are baffling our mind, even for just a while.

After Kit has bought some personal necessities, we have our lunch at a Korean restaurant since Kit is craving for Kimchi. I joke about him being pregnant, and he immediately cusses at me while trying to kick me under the table. I am laughing so hard when he couldn't reach me. The wild kitty Kitkat is back and I am so glad of it.

The sky is painted with pale orange gradually covering by the dark violet color and twinkling sky light when Kit and I decide to go back to our apartment. We have dropped by to a convenient store to buy snacks on our way before we return to my car. We're too exhausted like we have just done a marathon (it's really a marathon with these people). And as usual, we are stuck in this fucking traffic. (Hell!)

However, it isn't the reason why I am starting to feeling pissed off.

It is because of that black Ducati motorbike ahead of us.

Though I couldn't see its owner's face because he's wearing a black helmet and a 'Girl' with a helmet, too, is tightly hugging him from his back, I could fully recognize its owner and driver.

He said, there's an urgent matter he has to do.

So, this is his urgent matter??

I forcefully press my car's horn to honk at the motorbike ahead of us until its owner turns his head behind him. Even the girl shamelessly wraps her snake-like arms on him is turning her head.

"Beam! What are you doing?! Are you trying to get us in trouble?!" Kit says, voice in panic. "Look! That driver is looking at us! He's even bigger than you for fuck sake!"

Of course, Kit does not discern 'that' driver.

"That's Forth," I indifferently state.

'That' driver lifts up his helmet revealing his 'stupid' face with wide eyes and open-mouth. In spite of the heavy tint on my car's windows, I know he knows my car just like I know his.

I am in a temptation of rolling down my window and wave my middle finger on him, however the vehicles around us start to move. I press the horn once more to tell him to move. In fact, the cars behind us are also honking, and his female passenger is tapping his arm to, maybe, urge him to go. He has no choice but to drive away.

"Forth's with a girl?!" Kit in gape.

"No," I answer. "It's an insect in a shape of a woman."

Then, I step on the gas to go past that fucking motorbike.

Engineering Moon and the Crazy Doctor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now