Everything in training had been discussed and agreed upon, something I was really grateful Jinyoung did,"Are we going hand to hand?" I asked him as he stepped back, giving me time to recover from the attack. He hummed in thought,"We were originally, but I decided to use weapons today." My eyes widened slightly in surprise. We had only practiced with weapons a few times, Jinyoung saw it as training we would do once we learned how to not hurt each other while practicing. Jinyoung caught my surprised stare and chuckled,"We need to start preparing you for the actual rage. That means we have to assume you and the opponent will both be carrying weapons." Picking up his knife Jinyoung slid his fingers along the surface,"Your objective is to get my weapon away from me, and put me in a position that would cause a fatal position. Easy?"

I smirked, taking out my dagger and moving into a defensive stance,"Easy." Standing relaxed in front of me Jinyoung darted his eyes to the right side of my face. Not wanting to fall for any of his tricks I stepped to the right as he lunged. To my surprise he hadn't been pretending as his right first moved towards me. Not wanting to be defeated by an unexpected move twice I instinctively ducked. Jinyoung's hand flew over me as I went to trip him with my left leg sweeping the forest floor. Jinyoung easily dodged it by jumping,"Too slow Tuan. You're getting predictable." Moving to my feet I waste no time to go offensive, pretending to lunge to the right before quickly switching sides, hands wrapping around his waist and chest to easily push him to the ground.

Before he could hit the forest floor his arms went in between mine to push them off of him, causing me to fall as well. As my body collided with his he pushed my chest ruffly, switching our position. Pulling out the knife he hadn't been using this whole time he placed it beside my throat. Now straddling my waist Jinyoung looked down at my defeated form, panting,"Failed." My breathing pattern matched his as I softly pushed his wrist away with the back of my hand. Sitting up I was now face to face with Jinyoung, and was glad for the comfortable atmosphere. My head fell tiredly against his shoulder, heart beating rapidly in my chest. I couldn't tell if it was from the rush of training or the nervousness I felt when he tensed.

  Just in case he was upset or not okay with our current position I made a quick decision. Taking advantage of Jinyoung's calm state I held onto the hand holding his knife before flipping us over. Jinyoung let out an angry battle cry as he struggled to get free. Moving his weapon to face him I brought it to his neck in victory. He kicked his legs out angrily making them brush the sides of my body. I smiled happily,"Failed? I don't think so." He let out a huff of annoyed air, lips pouted,"You cheated."

"No I didn't, you let your guard down."

  "Because you would have been dead by now in a real battle." Jinyoung tried to cross his arms over his chest before realizing I had them pinned to the ground, he settled for turning his head away from me instead. I mockingly cooed,"Is Jinyoungie mad at me?" Jinyoung's eyes narrowed, gaze fixed on the ground,"It doesn't matter if you cheated because you still failed. You didn't steal my weapon, that's yours." Taken aback by the sudden confession I reached for my weapon, shocked when my hand couldn't find it,"What the- when did you?"

  Jinyoung's eyes closed tightly as he laughed, the wrinkles forming around them,"When you decided to try and push me onto the ground. Bad idea after putting your weapon away." I had thought about using a different move that involved my dagger but was scared I would hurt him,"Using weapons is too dangerous." Is what I said instead. Jinyoung's smile faded,"I can take a few scratches Yi en." Finally letting go of Jinyoung's arms I rolled off of him, the comfortable atmosphere gone,"No one can." After minutes of sickening silence, Jinyoung stood up, brushing dust off his clothes,"Get up. We aren't done training. I was thinking we could work on stealth for the rest of today." Quickly jumping to my feet I began training.

Bandits- A Markjin FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon