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~20 years later~

(Everyone has married their partner already and every couple had one kid.)


Ji-Won was going crazy while running around the house. Oh right, Hoseok and I decided to move out and have our own home. The old squad home belongs to Jimin, Destiny and Dong-Jae. Dong-Jae is their son, he is 18. Ji-Won is 20 and today is her first day of college.

Ji-Won: Omma! Do I look okay?!

Me: you look fine honey! Don't worry okay? You will do great!

Ji-Won: what if no one likes me? What if I don't do good in class? What if my boyfriend breaks up with me because of my outfit ?

Hobi: WHAT? Did I hear  "boyfriend"?!

Ji-Won: what? No! Gotta go!

She ran out the door and drove away.

Hobi: aish, that girl.

Me: haha. May I say, we did pretty good with that girl.

Hobi: yep. We can make another one if you want. 😉

Me: nope. I'm too old.

Hobi: you are not old.

Me: I'm 37.

Hobi: and I'm 38 so stop complaining because I'm still older than you.

Me: but still, I feel like a grandma.

Hobi: well then,  you look pretty hot for a grandma. 😏

Me: yah stop it.

I walked to the shelves that have family pictures on them. We have a picture for every niece/nephew and our daughter.

Our kid:

Alexa and Jin's Kid/ Eun-Jae:

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Alexa and Jin's Kid/ Eun-Jae:

Alexa and Jin's Kid/ Eun-Jae:

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My Bestfriend's Brother | j.hsWhere stories live. Discover now