Battle Of Sokovia Pt. 2

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We all arrive at the core where Vision and Thor are and I stand next to Pietro as he turns to his sister. 

"You good?"

She nods, "Yeah."

Tony speaks into his comms and I listen in, "Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini.'" 

I roll my eyes and swallow the bile in my mouth as Nat responds.

"Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly." I watch as she joins the rest of the team, "What's the drill?"

Tony points to the Vibranium core, "This is the drill. If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."  

Ultron shows up and Thor opens his arms wide,

"Is that the best you can do?" I watch in horror as Ultron summons his army of robots to join him.

Steve sighs, "You had to ask."

Ultron's metal face stretches into a smile, "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said. Together." Tony says and we all position ourselves around the core defensively.

A large robot comes flying at me and I tazer it, flipping it to the ground and pulling it's head off. I punch one of them while putting some of my glitch energy into it, sending the bot flying back. I kick one in the face while spinning back and tazering it too. Pulling out a handgun, I shoot three of them and teleport between them, taking them out one by one. I watch my team as they take out the army one by one and smile. Look how far I've come. A couple of weeks ago I was on the streets, working at a steakhouse on Park Avenue. Now here I am, an Avenger, fighting a bunch of creepy robots in a country I've never even heard of. I've come a long way, and I'm surrounded by people who care about me. It's a weird feeling, one I haven't felt since when I was in Scotland. I had all these people surrounding me, these people that save lives, and now I'm one of them. I smile to myself as I glitch behind Pietro, clunking the robot that was sneaking up on him. I wink at him then teleport off, continuing my job. 

The groups of robots dwindle down until there are hardly any left, only outside of the church.

Ultron speaks up, "You know, with the benefit of hindsight...." I narrow my eyes but jump when suddenly Hulk knocks him out of the church and the robots start to retreat. 

"They'll try to leave the city." I say.

Tony's voice comes through the comms, "We can't let 'em, not even one. Rhodey!"

"I'm on it. Oh, no, I didn't say you could leave. War Machine, comin' at you, right ... " I hear a weird sound, like a lazer being shot at something, "Okay, what?"

I walk around the core and head towards Steve as he talks.

"We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."

"What about the core?" I ask as we look around for the boats.

Wanda speaks up, "I'll protect it. It's my job."

Steve, Clint and Natasha leave, but me and Pietro stick behind. I watch as Wanda walks to me and him, "Get the people on the boats."

Pietro shakes his head, "I'm not going to leave you here."

"You don't have to do this on your own." I say.

Wanda puts a hand up, "I can handle this." I duck as she blasts off an approaching robot, "Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before. Then I will take both of you out for pizza."

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