Errands with Benefits

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The next day I wake up extra early, today I have some errands to run. Just the usual, new light bulbs, groceries, do my laundry, clean my attic, etc.

I flip on the T.V. and watch the news for half an hour befoe getting dressed and ready for the day. Brushing my teeth, showering, drying and curling my hair, eat a quick bagel, and then head out. First stop, laundromat. Clipping on my helmet, I hop on my green 1960 Vespa and ride down the street in style.

I enter the small laundromat after parking my baby and locking it up. Pulling up my large plastic bag of clothes I head to the nearest machine and seperate darks from light. Then, I load two different machines because I'm just that rebellious. I stand up turning them both on. As I turn around though, I bump into a hard body, sending me tumbling to the ground. I look up ready to tell off the stuck up jerk who knocked me over, but before I do I hear a soft, kind voice, who sounds very panicked.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," I look up and my hard eyes soften. His face, it's so kind. Those brown eyes framed by square glasses, that messy yet tamed hair that was slightly greying at the temples. My thoughts of calling him a bawfaced idiot are wiped from my mind as I get up from my spot on the ground. 

"That's quite alright, no worries." My Scottish accent was still there, yet I didn't talk like they did as much. The man smiled at me and held out his hand,

"Bruce Banner."

Oh my gosh, what?!

The Hulk?!

The Hulk?!

How is this man, this kind man, that raging monster that destroyed all those cities and caused half the damage in the New York battle way back when. I try to hold in my surprise, but to no avail. I frown and my mouth hangs open slightly. I shake away my expression and shake his hand.

"Hazel Anderson." I smile kindly at him and let go of his hand, which was slightly moist. He smiles at me and scratches the back of his neck.

", you know me huh?" He looks disappointed that I know who he is. My heart fills with pity and empathy. I know how he feels, being blamed for something he can't control. I look back at him.

"I know who you are to others. But I don't think you're a monster, Bruce." I say sympathetically, he doesn't look convinced, he just scratches the back of his neck again and looks at the ground, suddenly interested in the white tiling. I sigh, "You weren't you when you did those things. You didn't know, it wasn't your fault. I know how you feel, Bruce." 

"Look, I appreciate it, but you really don't." He looks down at me.

"I know how it feels to not be in control of yourself sometimes. When you want nothing but to crawl into a hole and shrivel up. But I got through that part of my life with the help of someone. My best friend, she got me through it, got me out of the darkness, into the light. You just need to find someone to-"

"I don't need anyone, they'll only get hurt."

"If you don't get through this, you'll never be happy, you have to find som--"


I'm taken aback, slightly hurt, I can feel the pixels in my body building up, but I push them down. "Bruce, calm-"

"I don't need to calm down!"

"I'm just trying to help-"

"I don't need your help!"

I get so frustrated I give up on trying to stop my glitch. With a small gasp, I disappear, leaving behind a cloud of colourful molecules. I look around and see I'm just outside the laundromat and a small girl holding her mother's hand is staring at me with shock. I smile at her and put a finger to my lips, disappearing again back to the same spot I was before, where Bruce is still staring at me in shock. Hearing a ding behind me, I turn around and grab my laundry from both machines, giving Bruce one last glare before stalking out the door. Next stop, grocery store.

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