There was a slight pause before Coulson spoke with a strong tone, "Then it's a difference I'm comfortable with, but if you continue questioning my authority then you and I are going to have a very different conversation. One you will not be comfortable with. Is that clear?"

Skye let out a breath, "Yes, sir." Skye turned to leave with a flick of her head and Spyen let out a breath before following her.

Skye walked away from Coulson's with Spyen at her side. They didn't say a word and Spyen didn't like the silence.

"Skye, Coulson was just trying to keep you safe."

Skye paused her stride and turned to her sister, "Safe? He's keeping me in the dark and I don't know why. It's infuriating. I can't help him if he won't tell me anything. I'm left trying to figure out a puzzle I don't have all the pieces to."

Spyen shrugged, "Maybe Coulson doesn't want to tell you because he's still trying to figure things out himself. Maybe he doesn't have all the information yet."

Skye gave a sigh, "I still don't like being in the dark."

Spyen folded her arms, "I don't either."

The two shared a glance before Spyen was aware of her surroundings. They had stopped at the intersection where the vault door was stationed. Spyen could feel an underlying pull and she was trying hard to fight it. Skye noticed her sister's struggle.

"Come on. I want to take a look at the painting again."

Spyen gave a shrug, "I'm not going to be much help."

Skye let out a breath before pulling Spyen away from the vault with more force than necessary.

Skye walked up onto the bus with the painting and Spyen in tow. Skye sat in her bunk as Spyen shook out her jitters. For a few minutes they were alone, but soon Hunter decided to grace them with his presents. Hunter leaned against Skye's bunk as Spyen continued to walk about the plane.

"I was a fat baby."

"You know this is, like, a religious painting, right?"

"Yeah, well," Hunter took the painting from Skye's hands, "When Alien's started scribbling on the back of it, it kind of avoided God's warranty as far as I'm concerned."

"I just wish I knew what that scribbling meant." Skye gave a sigh, still wracking her brain for an answer.

"Well the Director won't be much help."

Spyen pushed a hand through her long hair as Skye answered, "Do you think I was wrong to press?"

Spyen knew the answer to Skye's question, but decided to hold her words.

Hunter shook his head, "No, on the contrary, couldn't agree more. Reminded me of how I used to put the screws to my old lady."

Spyen furrowed her brows. She hardly every understood what Hunter was saying.

"It's not like that." Skye was starting to get more desperate than angry.

"No? Then why put yourself into Coulson's cross hairs?"

"Because Coulson used to be different. He wasn't always so closed off."

Hunter let out a breath, "I'm telling you my ex was the same way. Always keeping secrets. Drove me absolutely mental." Spyen let out an eye roll; she really didn't want to hear about Hunter's ex again. "There really is only one way to handle people like that." Skye waited for a response, "Dig deeper. Invade they're privacy until they go crazy themselves."

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