Shoot or Welcome

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Spyen sat in the tight surveillance van with too many agents inside. The tight van did little to dilute her residual emotion from her conversation with Ward. On the way to the drop site, Skye had filled Spyen in on the mission details. They were going to capture Creel. While Skye was working on her laptop, May handed Spyen and Hunter ICERS and Hunter wasn't too fond of the choice of weapon.

"ICERS? Great, How did we get stuck with a nonlethal option?"

"Coin flip. Trip called tails." May wasn't joking. Sometimes Agents of SHIELD needed to have a little fun.

"Just getting word from the lab. Fitz might have something we could use to neutralize Creel's powers."

"Best news we've had all day." Hunter still didn't like the ICER idea.

Spyen looked over Skye's shoulder to the laptop and saw a red dot pop up on the grid.

"Raina's tracker just popped. Creel's here."

Spyen readied her weapon as May radioed Trip, "Trip, are you in position?"

"Locked, loaded, and looking...Found him. He's got the package."

Skye activated the hidden camera they had set up earlier, "Looks like Creel is talking to the guy with his back to him." Spyen had seen this same technique countless times. It wasn't very inconspicuous any longer.

Coulson's voice was in everyone's ear. "That's his HYDRA contact."

Spyen slightly stiffened when Coulson said HYDRA. Skye glanced over at her sister when she noticed a changed in her posture.

"The deal's going down. Skye?"

Skye went back to work at her computer, "Running facial recognition now. Let's put a name to that face."

"Let the exchange happen. Skye and Hunter follow the new player. Spyen and May stay with Creel. Everyone copy?"

Skye glanced at her sister waiting for Spyen to object. Spyen locked eyes with Skye, "Copy that."

May readied her weapon, "Copy."

Skye closed her laptop, "Copy."

Spyen suddenly pulled in a breath when she heard the fire of Hunter's ICER. When a bullet hit her she let out a gasp of shock before her vision went black.


Spyen sat in the chair that was stationed in front of Ward's cell, but she hadn't said a word since she came into the vault ten minutes ago. Ward was getting anxious by her lack of conversation. The HYDRA agent sat with his hands at his sides willing the agent to open up to him. Spyen had honestly gone down into the vault to have a bit of quiet while she thought. She was trying so hard to remember what happened from before her accident and she didn't want Skye our Coulson to see her in that way. Somehow being in front of Ward comforted Spyen.

Ward eventually stood up, "Don't think too hard, you might hurt yourself."

Spyen looked up from her thought and ceased the biting of her nail, "Why did I have a reaction to the word HYDRA?"

Ward gave a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Maybe it was the context of the word? What was the conversation?" Ward was trying to get details about anything HYDRA related.

Spyen rolled her eyes, "Nice try."

Ward changed the subject. "I didn't think I would see you again so soon."

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