Chapter 4 - Meeting the Boy who Lived

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm gonna b-b-be all alone this y-year. Charlie and Bill aren't home and you and Ron are going to Hogwarts with the others."

"Ginny, I promise I'll write regulaly and you'll be going next year." She wiped away the tears from her eyes with her sleeve, seemingly a bit happier.

I missed something while talking to Ginny because mum was shaking her head at the twins.

She had given them and was a face that was made every time the two a were leaving for the train.

Percy was walking away fuming also. I had really missed something really entertaining. The whistle went and we said few fire goodbyes and left.

The twins in the end didn't help me with my stuff or Ron's so we had to find a carriage and sort out our stuff ourselves.

Once our belongings were sorted the train had started moving. We checked every carriage and found only one empty space.

The carriage had the boy we met before we got into the platform.

"Excuse me, do you mind. Everywhere else is full." Ron spoke to the boy.

The boy smiled."No, not at all."

Once we had sat down I got a proper look at the boy. He had unruly, raven black hair, green eyes and round glasses held together by a muggle version of spellotape.

He wore clothes way too big for him making him seem skinnier than he already was.

"I'm Ron by the way. Ron Weasley." My brother spoke up.

"And I'm his amazing, twin sister Olympia. But everyone calls me Olly." I said grinning at the boy.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Ron eyes widen probably suprised that the twins actually said something true.

"So-so its true?! I mean do you have the...the..." Ron stuttered.

"The what?" Harry asked.

"Scar...?" I whispered just loadly enough so he could hear.

"Oh, yeah." Harry says lifting up his long fringe revealing the lightning bolt scar.

"Wicked!" Me and Ron say in unison.

"Anything from the trolley wears?" A lady says approaching the doors with a cart of sweets.

"No thanks, we're set." Ron says and we hold up our squashed sandwiches at the same time.

I see Harry out his hand in his pocket and pull out a load of coins.

"Well take the lot!"

The rest our journey is filled with sweets, reading (for me), chatter and this one time a bushy haired girl, named Hermione Granger, came to our carriage and I ended up having a good convosation on books with her.

I hoped I would get into the same house as her.

When we got off the train we were greeted by a half-giant who Harry said was called Hagrid.

He apparently took Harry to Diagon Alley after rescuing from some cruel muggles, who were his Aunt, Uncle and Cousin...or his guardians.

We got into a boat with Hermione, while Harry told his story about how Hagrid, saved him from the living hell in the muggle world.

When Hogwarts came into view Hermione and me were having an intellectual conovosation about the book 'Hogwarts: A History'.

When the boats docked we got out and waited in a cluster at some steps outside a great, double door.

Olympia Weasley: Ron Weasley's Twin [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now