Chapter Six

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As Kel worked in her office, Raoul went to the leaders of the camp, and his men telling them that Kel was not to leave New Hope alone. He even spoke to the animals because they had eyes everywhere. Most of the people nodded, not sure why he was ordering this, but they didn't question, but there were those who asked why.

Right now, he was speaking to Dom, Fanche, Merric and Neal who were talking near the infirmary. And it was Fanche who spoke first after Raoul told them about not letting Kel leave. "She is Commander of this base, if she wants to leave alone, we can't very well stop her." She remarked.

"No," Raoul said. "But you can get someone who can, such as me."

Dom, who was stroking Nari who had landed on his shoulder, could see the concern in his Commanders eyes. "What is she planning on doing?" He asked.

Neal, who knew Kel the best threw back his head. "She wants to go after Maggur, doesn't she?" He asked looking to Raoul. "She does know that she can not go into enemy territory and kill their king, it's like she's trying to get herself killed." There was a long silence between them all, and Neal's face fell, and he said the thing that was one everyone's mind. "She wants to die."

Fanche shook her head ferociously. "No, our Lady has more sense then that." She said not really believing her own words. "She wouldn't leave us."

"I don't know." Merric said shifting on his feet. "She hasn't been herself since we've gotten back from Scanran."

Dom scrunched his face. "Are you saying she's been magicked?" He suggested.

Neal shook his head. "No," He said. "We would have noticed."

"Like her nightmares and her not eating?" Dom said flatly. "Kel has seen bad things in her days, I don't think this would change her so much that she would wish death unless she had been magicked."

Raoul shrugged. "Whatever is wrong with our dear Kel, we have to keep a close eye on her."


Peachblossom stomped irritability when he saw Kel approaching. "I know." She hissed as she stepped into his stall and he went to bite her, but she was too quick. "I've been busy, I'm sorry." He blew on her face, and turned so that his butt was in her face. Kel sighed and began to saddle him up. "You are acting immature."

Soon, Peachblossom was saddle, and it took a bit of coaxing and treats for him to finally agree to let her ride him. Getting on her large war horse, she walked him out of the stall, and out of New Hope.

She had decided to patrol the borders of her camp. Something she wasn't suppose to do alone, but she wasn't in the mood for company. However, Jump and a few of the other dogs of New Hope and her sparrow friends came to her. Nari, the lead sparrow, landed on Kel's shoulder and peeped loudly in her ear as if scolding Kel.

"Then come along." She sighed nudging Peachblossom into a small trot with the dogs at his heels, and the sparrow flying ahead and around her.

As she passed, the Third Company all looked at her with curious stares, and Kel began to wonder if her hair was messed up. That was until Dom came trotting up on his own horse. "And where do you think you are going?" He asked raising and eyebrow.

"Patrol." She stated looking at the perch on his saddle that held Lady.

Dom shook his head. "Not alone, you're not." He said.

"I don't need or want company." Once again Nari landed on her shoulder and peeped loudly. "All I need the animals."

"You don't understand, I can't let you go alone. Orders from my Lord Commander." Kel could see the hidden smirk in his eyes, he liked making Kel uncomfortable.

"Lord Raoul ordered that you follow me?" She asked not believing him, especially after the stunt he pulled this morning.

"He's ordered everybody that you are not allowed out of New Hope without someone with you." Dom said as they walked their horses into the forest. "I guess it's something to do with what you told him this morning."

Anger boiled up in Kel. How dare he tell everybody about their private conversation. "I do not need a babysitter." She remarked coldly. "He's made his position quite clear on the matter, and I won't go after Maggur, no matter how much I want too." Kel's eyes were set ahead as the dogs spread out with their noses on the ground.

Dom looked over at her. He didn't notice it before, but at this angle he could see the differences in Kel. There were bags under her eyes from her restless sleep. Her normal muscular body was skinnier from her not eating. Even her posture was slouched as if a heavy burden was on her shoulders.

"Kel." Dom said softly, a voice Kel had never heard him spoken in before except from last night. She glanced over at him, and saw how serious he looked. "If you want to talk about, you know my ears are always open."

She didn't meet his gaze, but instead she looked down and thought over his words. He had always been there to listen to her, even when she was just a squire, and Kel trusted him, something that was hard for her to say, but she did. Kel opened her mouth, almost about to spill all her hidden fears and insecurities, but a dark voice in the back of her mind told her that he wouldn't care. So instead Kel shut her lips and shook her head. "You wouldn't understand, no one does."

Nudging Peachblossom forward, she started to let her mind wander, that is until the sound of loud cheeping broke her from her thoughts. She looked up to see the sparrows racing towards her until they were flying in front of her flying in the certain pattern that told her that the enemy was coming.

"So soon?" Dom said coming up beside her.

Holding out her hand, Quicksilver landed and tapped her hand six times. "30 men." She said interrupting. However, before she could turn Peachblossom to warn the others, more sparrows came towards her. The one landed and tapped her hand five times. "25 more?" She asked baffled.

This wasn't a full army approaching, but this wasn't a small raiding party either. "Come on Kel, we have to tell the others." Dom said turning his horse. Kel nodded and they raced off back towards New Hope.


As soon as they approached, she saw that the men were already getting ready for battle. The Third Company were all arming up and getting on their horses, and the refugees who were adept with a bow were lining the walls of New Hope.

Lord Raoul came trotting up on his war horse, Drum. "Did you see any?" He asked not meeting Kel's gaze, but instead spoke to Dom.

"No, sir." He said. "But by the sparrows count there are 55 men."

"55?" Raoul asked confused by the number too. "That's only half a company."

Kel's mind started to whir as she tired to figure out why only 55, but that's when it hit her. "Their scouts." She said. "To assess New Hope, and maybe to bring back any Tortallan's who are outside of the wall." With a simple whistle, the dogs and cats came over to her. Looking down she started to speak. "You know what to do with scouts." She started making sure to look at each of them. "None can escape. Scare the horses, and hold them until you a person can come to get them. Got it?" The animals nodded. "Good, go." The animals took off to their designated area.

Soon, Kel was joined by Merric and his squad. "Kel, what is it, and where do you want us?" He asked situating himself on his horse.

"Scouts." She explained. "The animals are out right now. So I need you scouring the southern border for their captives. Try to take them alive. I know Sir Myles is still looking for information." Merric nodded and lead his company off leaving Kel alone with Raoul and Dom.

From the look on Kel's face, Raoul knew that his she wanted out there, but he was not about to risk it. "You should go back to New Hope. You need to command your people." Raoul suggested.

Technically, Kel was in charge, but she was not about to argue with him because she still respected him above all else. "Fine." She grumbled. "But if things get out of hand, I'm going out there to help."

Raoul smiled. "I wouldn't expect anything else." Kel turned and trotted Peachblossom back the base, and Raoul then looked to Dom. "Keep an eye on her, knowing her she'll try to escape."

"Of course, sir." He said making his horse run after Kel.

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