Chapter Five

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The rest of the night, Raoul stayed with Kel, letting her sleep in his arms. Tobe ended up falling asleep outside the door with Jump standing guard. Dom stayed up with Neal, who was on watch duty. They discussed things that were going on at New Hope, and the things that were going on in the war. 

As soon as the sun rose, the inhabitants of New Hope came out to greet and help the Third Company finish setting up their stuff. Many of them knew people from the Company, and they were all greeted with open arms. 

Kel didn't end up waking up until much later than she was used too. When she did finally peel open her eyes she was greeted by the sight of a snoring large man sleeping in her chair. Guilt washed over Kel as she realized that her old Knightmaster only slept in here because of her. 

She got up silently, and slipped on some clothes. Not wanting to wake Raoul, she grabbed a blanket and draped it over him and then quietly crept out of her room. 

However, once she stepped out, more guilt surrounded her as she looked down to see Tobe sleeping with his head resting on Jump. The sound of soft whacking made a small smile pass over Kel's face as she saw Jump's tail wagging, and his big triangular shape eyes looked up at her, but he didn't move from his spot as pillow. 

Reaching the outside, Kel looked to see new people, but their familiar faces made Kel confused. Thankfully, an old friend saw her face, and walked up. "It's good to see you are finally up, Lady Knight." Sergeant Osbern said as he and Kel clasped wrists. "I guess no one has filled you in on what's happening." 

"No," She stated confused as she waved to some of the men she knew. "What brings the Third Company to New Hope?" 

"Protection." Captain Flyndan said approaching from the side. "Maggur is loosing control over his nobles, and the only way to appease them is by giving them slaves."

Kel threw her head back already knowing where this was going. "And the quickest place to get slaves for them is here." She said finishing his thought. "I thought we were safe once Blayce was dead." 

Flyndan shook his head. "No one up here will be safe as long as Maggur is alive." He replied curtly, and then walking off rather madly. 

Kel and Osbern exchanged glances. "Is he mad?" She asked the Sergeant. "I know he's not my biggest supporter, and he probably doesn't like me running this place, and now you are stationed here." 

Osbern put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "He is like that with everyone." He said. "I know he didn't like you at first, but now, I think he likes you more than most of us." 

Kel raised her eyebrow surprised. "Really?" She asked baffled as she followed the Captains movements throughout the camp. "I guess I'm flattered." 

Clapping her shoulder, Osbern started leading her through New Hope, and towards the Third Company's camp. "Some of the men want to say hello." He said. "And their is food out there too." 

Kel wasn't really up to seeing her old friends, especially in the state is was in, but she couldn't say no. Soon, they reached a large group, and Kel recognized all of them. "Looks like my sparrow friends remembered you." Kel smiled down at Qasim. He was Kel's Bazhir Sergeant friend, one of the first she made in the Company, and right now he was covered in sparrows, all of which were taking turns eating dried fruit from his palms.

He moved over so Kel could sit. "Most animals remembered those who give them treats." He smiled, his white teeth flashing. "It's good to see you again, Lady Knight." 

"I wish you would all stop calling me that." Kel said exasperated as someone handed her a plate with some food on it, of which Kel knew she would barely eat any. "You knew me as Keladry the squire, and you treated me like everyone else. I miss that." 

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