Chapter 18 - Face Punches & Failed Disguises

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"We are very much excited about this marriage union. Surely, Gaspar over here will be a good fit for Alexandra. Am I right, son?"

"Yes, father."


I was in my room in a matter of seconds with the door locked. Never in my life have I felt so betrayed. I was furious. I felt like my freewill was taken away from me. This was just plain ridiculous. I sure as hell thought I made it clear to both my parents that I had no interest in Gaspar in the least bit – let alone marry him.

How could they agree to this without my knowledge or consent?

And if I remembered correctly from the lessons I had with Madam Tenley, the legal age of a woman to marry here in Siyena is eighteen. I become of legal age in about eight months or so. That's eight months too short for a girl like me to be tied down to a guy like Gaspar.

No, no, no, no. This can't be happening.

Wildly pacing around my room, I thought of different courses of action I could possibly do to change their minds about this arrangement. But everything seemed to just leave me with dead ends. However, I kept going back to the same thought, an easy, albeit very selfish solution... to run away.

Should I?

My thinking and pacing stopped altogether when I heard a knock on my door. Who would knock on my door at this door? Could it be my parents to tell me that all this was a joke? I headed to the door to open it only to have my blood boil even more when I caught sight of him.

"Miss me? I just –" I didn't let him finish when I punched him in the face. It wasn't hard, but it had him shrieking in pain.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asked incredulously. "Do you see a bruise?"

"No, but I do see a receding hairline."


I smirked and closed the door on him. I knew that would get him riled up. He was just so full of himself. Do I regret punching him in the face? Hell no. The guy pissed the hell out of me. I was already in a bad mood upon hearing the news about being forced to marry Gaspar. Seeing him in my door was the last straw.

All I have been doing these past few months was try to be my best self possible and instead of being rewarded for it, what do I get in return? I get punished into marrying a man I absolutely loathed.

I was conflicted. I felt like if I spoke to my parents about this, it would be completely useless if they have already decided on it. They would only force me to follow orders. That's all I ever seem to do nowadays. And I'm sick of it.

Left with no one else to turn to here in the palace, I decided that I needed to hear advices from people I was close to before making any rash decisions. Parker was immediately the first person I thought of when I remembered Sam was on a yearly Christmas trip with Sister Margaret and the rest of the kids at the orphanage. That meant mobile phones were kept safely in either Sister Margaret or Sister Theresa's luggage until the three-day trip was over.

Taking out my phone, I hastily dialed Parker's number. I waited for a few seconds before it went straight to his voicemail. Great. Just great.

Now who was going to give me advices?

I sighed. I had no one. It was sad but true. All the luxury in life I could ever want was here and I was still unhappy. I wondered how the trip Sam and the other kids were going even if I had no idea where they were exactly. Were they having fun? Were they miserable like me?

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