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Wattpad Name: daydreamZzz67

Real Name: (if you choose to release that info) Akiko

Title of your first story on Wattpad: To the beat of the DJ

What inspires you to write: my life, my daydreams, my dreams, and my nightmares, my fans, the comments, music,

What is your favorite Genre: EVERYTHING!!! ( MAin 2: paranormal romance/ horror)

What made you choose your User name: Cuz I day dream A LOT!!

Do you plan to release more stories on Wattpad: HELL to the YEAH!

Link to your story that you would like to Advertise: I have SOOO many stories :P just check my home page!!

If you could Inspire your fans and fellow newcomers to Wattpad what would you say:

'Never Loose yourself"

Being weird is SO much better than being normal'

The sky is the limit

Talk to me!!!

Get  high on life!

Whenever your're in a sticky situation just go with the flow and WRITE WRITE WRITE

What is your dream for your stories here on Wattpad: To be heard, to mean something to people, and it'd be cool if I was on WHATS HOT, but it be major cool if Lotzz of people fan me!

Interview with a fellow wattpad writerWhere stories live. Discover now