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Wattpad Name: FallenApril

Real Name if you choose to release that info

My name is Maya. (:

Title of your first story on Wattpad:

First story on wattpad was 'Love in Return'. I love writing that story! The characters are actually taken from real life!

What inspires you to write:

I guess it's the passion somewhere deep within me. It was kind of always there, and it just happened to come up four years ago when I started writing! Though, like any other author, my writing gets better as the time flows, and getting better is what I want to accomplish. I guess it's that. Also, if there are a lot of people reading the story, writing the next chapter will come naturally to you!

What is your favorite Genre:

Romance/Humor/Teen Fiction/Fantasy

What made you choose your User name:

At the time when I thought of my username, I was listening to 'Dead by April' and I loved the month, everything here starts to come alive in April. So, I used that, and the 'Fallen' part is actually from my love for fallen angels! My very first story was about them, actually!

Do you plan to release more stories on Wattpad:

OH YES! I hope so! I have a lot of ideas, and they just need to find a way to come down to the paper and get written!

Link to your story that you would like to Advertise:


If you could Inspire your fans and fellow newcomers to Wattpad what would you say:

NEVER GIVE UP! Do anything and everything you need to get you're story out there, and it will if you put enough effort in it! But remember, try to realize that you aren't perfect, and that you need to work on your writing and yourself in order to get better!

What is your dream for your stories here on Wattpad:

For my stories to get recognized! Like any other author, I want my stories to be read and commented and voted on! :)

Interview with a fellow wattpad writerWhere stories live. Discover now